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reviews 143 Contributors HUGH ABERNATHY is a poet and fiction writer whose work has appeared, among other places in Riverrun, Poet, and Cornfield Review. Currently employed by the Harvard University Press, CLAUDIA BUCKHOLTS is the author of two books of poetry. JUDITH CAESAR taught for several years in Saudi Arabia and in Egypt; her political writing has appeared in The Nation, The New York Times, and The Washington Post. DINA COPELMAN teaches history at George Mason University in Virginia; she is completing a social and cultural history of women elementary schoolteachers in London between 1870 and 1930. One of a group of experimental writers in Stockholm, STIG DAGERMAN (1923-1954) has recently become known to anglophone audiences with the translation into English of two novels, The Games of Night and A Burnt Child. RICHARD DANIELS writes fiction and teaches literature and fiction writing at Oregon State University—when he's not out fishing for salmon and cutthroat trout, that is. PAGE DELANO'S work has appeared in Prairie Schooner, Tar River Poetry, and Crazy Horse. She currently lives in New York with her husband and two children. A loyal unionist and member of SEIU, PATRICIA EDITH is probably on strike as you are reading these notes. Doesn't stop her writing some damned fine poetry, though—maybe even helps a bit. JULIE ELLISON teaches at the University of Michigan; she is currently completing her first book of poetry. Wish I knew something about JAN FRAZIER, but he or she ignored our repeated pleas to provide some biographical information —just shy, I guess. AMY FUSSELMAN is a poet and performer living in Boston, MA. AVERY GORDON is one of the most interesting persons you'll ever meet, a fact not significantly influenced by her recent move to Santa Barbara to ply her given trade of teaching sociology. A frequent contributor to mr, JOAN JOFFE HALL teaches at the University of Connecticut. Her collection of fiction, Summer Heat, recently appeared from Kutenai Press. Anyone out there heard of RENEE HARLOW? All we know is we accepted her excellent poem. HUNT HAWKINS has appeared often enough in these pages not to need any introduction, but since he sent us some modest lines, we felt we had to say something—like he teaches at Florida State. I guess there are worse fates—writing these notes, for instance, at midnight at the end of October on Long Island. LIZ HERON is a free-lance editor and writer; she lives and works in London. What would mr do without MIKE HILL? Fortunately we'll never know; when the journal moves to North Carolina, he will continue to labor in its behalf as associate editor. STEVEN HILL has published poetry, fiction, and essays in so many places we don't have space to list them, and I'm loathe to slight any of them. PATRICK HOGAN (for so he signs himself) teaches at U-Conn; his The Politics ofInterpretation appeared from Oxford UP in 1990. REBECCA HOOD-ADAMS sent us the nicest card, chock full of biographical information, from which the most interesting bit, I think, was that she was nominated for a Pulitzer for investigative journalism. By the time this issue appears, RITA KRANIDIS will have successfully defended her dissertation on feminist writers and socialist politics in late 19th-century Britain. If IRA LIVINGSTON weren't such a close friend, I'd tell you all sorts of things about him. Suffice it to say that he's a self-confessed Blakean and afficionado of trashy sci-fi flicks—now you know why we're friends. It's likely that BARRY MAXWELL is currently a visiting professor at Cornell; if not, he's probably got a good job elsewhere since from the look of the essay we're publishing in this issue, he's a very bright lad. MIKE MEE teaches high school, does photography, and writes short fiction, obviously. 144 reviews some which has appeared in Crosscurrents, Mississippi Review, and Fiction International. CAROL E. MILLER teaches American minority literature at the University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee, where she is also completing a degree in creative writing. MAUREEN MOYNAGH used to be a graduate student at UT...

