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108Southeastern Geographer additional faculty member to be added in 1997 and another in 1998. There has been a geography department at the University of South Florida since 1965, and, although it does not appear in the Guide for 1985, it does for 1995 (AAG, 1995). Thus, geography is safe and the balance of the map complete! NOTE 'With apologies to Jonathan Swift. LITERATURE CITED Association of American Geographers. 1 995. Guide to Programs in Geography in the United States and Canada 1995-96. (Washington, DC: AAG). Wheeler, J. O. 1996. "Growth of Faculty in Geography Departments in the Southeastern Division ofthe Association ofAmerican Geographers, 1985, 1995.." Southeastern Geographer , Vol. 36, pp. 216-217. Southeastern Geographer Vol. XXXViI, No. 1, May 1997, p. 108 EDITOR IN REPLY James O. Wheeler "Be sure of it; give me the ocular proof." William Shakespeare, Othello, Ill.iii When an editor with Tampa maps Does not fill in his egregious gaps, He must confess his silly lapse. This editor concludes, "If life had a second edition, how I would correct the proofs" (John Clare, 1793-1864). Dr. Wheeler is the Merle Prunty, Jr., Professor ofGeography at the University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602-2502. ...

