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RecentPublications, THSMembers IiIIIIiK American History Buchanan, John, Jackson s Way. Andrew Jackson and the People ofthe Western Waters (John Wiley & Sons, 2001). Doenecke, Justus D., Storm on the Horizon: The Challenge to American Intervention, 1939-1941 (Rowman and Littlefield, 2000). Etulain, Richard W. and Glenda Riley, editors, The Hollywood West Uves of Film Legends Who Shaped It (Fulcrum Publishing, 2001). Hein, David, Noble Powell and the Episcopal Establishment in the Twentieth Century (University of Illinois Press, 2001). Heineman, Kenneth J., Put Your Body Upon the Wheels: Student Revolt in the 1960s (Ivan R. Dee, 200 1 ). Jentz, John B., "Unions, Cartels, and the Political Economy of American Cities: The Chicago Flat Janitors' Union in the Progressive Era and 1 920s," Studies in American Political Development 14 (Spring 2000): 51-71. Leab, Daniel J., / Was a Communist for the FBI: The Unhappy Ufe and Times ofMatt Cvetic (Penn State University Press, 2000). Rauchway, Eric, The Refuge ofAffections : Family and American Reform Politics, 1900-1920 (Columbia University Press, 2001). Rauchway, Eric, "The Global Emergence of the United States, 1867-1900," A Companion to 19thcentury America, edited by William L Barney (Blackwell, 2001). Reeves, Thomas C, Fulton J. Sheen: A Ufe (Encounter Books, 2001). Winters, Stanley B., "Charter Change and Civic Reform in Newark, 1953-1954," New Jersey History 1 1 8: 1 -2 (Spring/Summer 2000): 35-65. European History Dowbiggin, Ian, "A Prey on Normal People': C. Killick Millard and the Euthanasia Movement in Great Britain, 1 930- 1 955," Journa/ of Contemporary History 36 (2001): 59-85. Knox, MacGregor, Common Destiny: Dictatorship, Foreign Policy and War in Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany (Cambridge University Press, 2000). Knox, MacGregor, Hiúer's Italian Allies: Royal Armed Forces, Fascist Regime, and the War of 1940-43 (Cambridge University Press, 2000). Knox, MacGregor, " I October 1942: Adolf Hitler, Wehrmacht Officer Policy, and Social Revolution," The Historicaljournal 43:3 (September 2000): 801-25. Mastny, Vojtech, "NATO from the Soviet and East European Perspectives 1949-1968," Von Truman bis Harmel: Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Spannungsfeld von NATO und europäischer Integration, edited by Hans-Joachim Harder (Oldenboug, 2000), 55-73. Mastny, Vojtech, "The Soviet Union and the Origins of the Warsaw Pact in 1955," Mechanisms of Power in the Soviet Union, ed. Niels Erik Rosenfeldt, Bent Jensen, and Erik Kulavig (St. Martin's Press, 2000), 241-66. Mastny, Vojtech, "Planning for the Unplannable," introduction to Taking Lyon on the Ninth Day? The 1964 Warsaw Pact Plan for a Nuclear War in Europe and Related Documents, Parallel History Project on NATO and the Warsaw Pact Web site, 28 Paret, Peter, German Encounters with Modernism, 1840-1945 (Cambridge University Press, 2001). Paret, Peter, "Three Perspectives on Art as a Force in German History," Central European History 34: 1 (200 1 ). Pierard, Richard V., "Fellowship Movement," "German Christians," "German Missions," and "Inner Mission" in Encyclopedia of Christianity, vol. 2 (William B. Eerdmans, 2000). Pierard, Richard V., "The Preservation of 'Orphaned' German Protestant Missionary Works in India During World War I," Mission und Gewalt Der Umgang Christlicher Missionen Mit Gewalt Und Die Ausbreitung Des Christentums in Afrika und Asien in der Zeit Von 1792 Bis 1918/19, edited by Ulrich van der Heyden and Juergen Becher (Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2000). Rose, Jonathan, ed., The Holocaust and the Book: Destruction and Preservation (University of Massachusetts Press, 2001). Schuker, Stephen A. ed., Deutschland und Frankreich vom Konflikt zur Aussoehnung: Die Gestaltung der europaeischen Sicherheit 1914-1963 (Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag, 2000). Winters, Stanley B., "The American Connection: Hugh SetonWatson 's Lecture on Czechoslovakia at Oxford in 1968," East European Politics and Societies 14:1 (Winter 2000): 23-33. Winters, Stanley B., "Tactical Opportunism: Karel Kramár's Adaptation of Palacky's Concept of the Bohemian 'Staatsrecht'," Bohemia 41:1 (2000): 23-33. Military History Fellman, Michael, "Notes and Introduction" William T. Sherman's Memoirs (Penguin, 2000). Fellman, Michael, The Making of Robert £ Lee (Random House, 2000). Fissel, Mark, English Warfare 15 U-1642 {Routiedge, 2001). Herrera, Ricardo ?., "SelfGovernance , Military Discipline, and the American Citizen as Soldier, 1775-1861," The Journal of Military History (January 2001). Rives, Timothy, "The Work of Soldier Poetry at Camp Funston, Kansas...

