In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Tumber, Catherine, Edward Bellamy, the Erosion of Public Life, and the Gnostic Revival," American Literary History Il (Winter 1999): 610-41. Troy, Gil, Mr. and Mrs. President From the Trumans to the Clintons (University Press of Kansas, 2000). Van Hoak, Stephen P., "Untangling the Roots of Dependency: Choctaw Economics, 1700-1860," American Indian Quarterly 23:3-4 (Fall/Winter 1999-2000): 113-28. Wasson, Ellis Archer, Born to Rule: British Political Bites (Sutton Publishing, 2000). Watkinson, James D., "Rogues, Vagabonds, and Fit Objects: The Treatment of the Poor in Antebellum Virginia," Virginia Cavalcade 49: 1 (Winter 2000). Webb, James L. A., Jr., "L'échange commercial de cheveux contre des esclaves entre le Sahara Occidental et la Sénégambie, I7ème-I9ème siècle," in Groupes Serviles au Sahara, Approche Comparative à Partir du Cas des Arabophones de Mauritanie, edited by Mariella Villesante de Beauvais (C.N.R.S.: Paris, 2000). Williams, Robert C, Ruling Russian Eurasia: Clans, Khans, and Tsars (Krieger Publishers, 2000). Wilson, Clyde N., "Free Trade, No Debt: Separation from Banks': The Economic Platform of John C. Calhoun," in Slavery, Secession, and Southern History, edited by Louis A. Ferleger and Robert Louis Paquette (University Press of Virginia, 2000). Wilson, Paul J., Himmler's Cavalry: The Equestrian SS, I930-I94S (Schiffer Publishing, 2000). Zuber, Terrence, "The Schlieffen Plan Reconsidered," War in History 6:3(1999). F Awards and Achievements, THSMembers Glenn W Olsen, professor of history at the University of Utah, was awarded both the College of Humanities Faculty ??-wlopment Grant and the Uniwrsity of Utah Distinguished Honors Professor Award in 1999. Darrcl E. Bigham, professor of history at the University of Southern Indiana, completed a one-war term as president of the Indiana Association of Historians on March 4, 2000. He continues in his position as chair of the Indiana Council for History Education. Charles L Glenn, professor at Boston Uniwrsity, was giwn the fourth annual Award for Public Leadership by the (enter foi Publie Justice in April 2000. Anne Bailey, associate professor of history at Georgia College and State Uniwrsity, lias been named editor of the Georgia Historical Quarterly succeeding John Inscoe, who is stepping down after elewn wars. Conrad C. Crane, professor of history .it the United States Military Academy, was awarded the 2000 Moneado Prize for his article "Raiding the Beggar's Pantry: The Search for Airpower Strategy in the Korean War" at the Society for Military History Awards Luncheon on April 28, 2000. Robert E. Herzstein of the Uniwrsity oí South Carolina was appointed Carolina Distinguished Professor of History in 1999. John Reed of the Uniwrsity of North Carolina has been awarded honorary degrees from the Uniwrsity of the South and the Uniwrsity of North Carolina at Wilmington. Reed is also the current president of the Southern Association for Public Opinion Research. Joseph M. Skelly was named director of the honors program at the College of Mount Saint Vincent in New York. He was also awarded a Faculty Summer Research Grant by the College of Mount Saint Vincent, which will be used to research and edit a two-volume collection of the literary criticism of Conor Cruise O'Brien, to be published by Maunscl Press. Mark R. Cheathcm, PhD candidate and teaching assistant at Mississippi State Uniwrsity, was »recipient of the inaugural Wills Research Fellowship, given by the Tennessee Historical Society, a $500 .maid DO research his dissertation topic, a biography of Andrew Jackson Donclson, at the Tennessee State Library and Archives in Nashville, Tennessee. 32 (?ie.ithem also received the inaugural William E. Parrish Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award. Deborah Ann Falvo was inducted into Phi Alpha Theta, the honor society for history, on February 25, 2000. FaIw is a 1996 graduate of Providence College, with a BA in history, and will finish graduate studies for an MA in modern European history at Providence College in JuK- 2000. In June 2000, Ricardo A. Herrera became chair of the Department of I listory and Geograph;· .it Icxas Lutheran Uniwrsitv. Seguin, Texas. Marsha Frey, professor of history .it Kansas State I 'niwrsitv, was reccntlv elected vice president of Phi Alpha Theta, and president of the Kansas Association of Scholars and was awarded the...

