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  • Poem
  • Shuntaro Tanikawa (bio)

朝のリレー Morning Relay 谷川俊太郎 Shuntaro Tanikawa

カムチャツカの若者が While a Kamchatkan youth きりんの夢を見ているとき is dreaming of a giraffe, メキシコの娘は a Mexican girl 朝もやの中でバスを待っている is awaiting a bus in the morning mist. ニューヨークの少女が When a girl in New York ほほえみながら寝がえりをうつとき turns over in her bed, smiling, ローマの少年は a boy in Rome winks 柱頭を染める朝陽にウインクする at the morning sun that dyes the capital of a column. この地球では On this Earth, いつもどこかで朝がはじまっている day is always dawning somewhere. ぼくらは朝をリレーするのだ We relay the morning 経度から経度へと from longitude to longitude, そうしていわば交替で地球を守る and so take turns, as it were, in protecting the Earth. 眠る前のひととき耳をすますと If you listen a moment before falling asleep, どこか遠くで目覚時計のベルが鳴っている you hear a ringing of some distant alarm clock – それはあなたの送った朝を solid proof that the morning you relayed 誰かがしっかりと受けとめた証拠なのだ has surely been caught by someone else

(Translated by William I. Elliott and Kazuo Kawamura; poems used with permission.) [End Page 84]

Shuntaro Tanikawa

Shuntaro Tanikawa was the author nominee from Japan for the Hans Christian Andersen award in 2008 and 2010 and won the Asahi Prize in Japan in 1995. He has created over 60 anthologies of poetry for children as well as picture books and translations of other authors’ books including collections of Mother Goose rhymes.


