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Kerry James Marshall, Heirlooms and Accessories, 2002. Inkj et print s on paper in w ooden f rames wit h rinest ones. Three part s, 87 x 54.25 x 3 in. each. Court esy of t he Art ist 134* N k a Journal of Contem porary African Art Kerry James Marshall, Heirlooms and Accessories, 2002. Inkj et print s on paper in w ood en f rames wi t h rinest ones. Three part s, 87 x 54.25 x 3 in. each. Court esy of t he Art ist Fall 2006 W k a -1 3 5 Kerry James Marshall, Heirlooms and Accessories, 2002. Inkj et print s on paper in w ood en frames wi t h rinest ones. Three part s, 87 x 54.25 x 3 in. each. Court esy of t he Art ist 136* N k a Journal of Contem porary African Art Carrie Ma e We e ms, "How do you get a nigger out of a t ree?" From Ain't Jokin; 1987- 88. Court esy of t he art ist . Fall 2006 N k a • 137 Me lvin Edwar ds, Because of St ruggle, 1994 w el ded st eel, 1 3 x 1 1 x 7 inches. Court esy of t he Art ist 138* N k a Journal of Contem porary African Art Melvin Edwar ds, Independent , 2004 w el ded st eel, 1 4 x 7 1 / 2 x 8 inches. Court esy of t he Art ist Fall 2006 N k a • 139 140* I NI ka Journal of Contem porary African Art Pat War d Williams, Accused/ Blowt orch/ Padlock, 1986, phot o and mixed media. Court esy of t he Art ist . Fall 2006 N k a »141 Robert Gober, {American, Bor n 1954) Hanging Man/ Sleeping Man, 1989. Silkscreen on Wallpaper, Gift of t he Donor s t o t he Cont empor ar y Ar t Fund Court esy of t he Herbert F. Johnson Mu se u m of Art , Cornell Universit y. 1 4 2 - I Uka Journal of Contem porary African Art j ust d o it. KEEP W A L K I N G . Hank Willis T hom as Jordan @ Johnny Walker in Timberland circa 1923, 2004. Inkj et on canvas. Court esy of t he Art ist . Fall 2006 N k a • 143 ...

