In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Book Reviews

The French edition of Population features a selection of book reviews edited by Kamel Kateb, which is not translated into English. Issue no. 3, 2010 includes a thematic selection of reviews on "Health and inequalities: theories, methods and analyses" coordinated by Claire SCODELLARO, Mortality, Health, Epidemiology research unit, Demography, Gender and Society research unit, International Migration and Minorities research unit, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED).

Health and inequalities: theories, methods and analyses

J. Michael OAKES, Jay S. KAUFMAN (eds), Methods in Social Epidemiology, San Francisco, Jossey-Bass, 2006, 478 p. Reviewed by Céline GOFFETTE
Debbie A. LAWLOR, Gita D. MISHRA (eds), Family Matters. Designing, Analysing and Understanding Family-based Studies in Life Course Epidemiology, Oxford/New York, Oxford University Press, 2009, 341 p. Reviewed by Myriam KHLAT
Stephen J. KUNITZ, The Health of Populations: General Theories and Particular Realities, New York, Oxford University Press, 2007, 286 p. Reviewed by Aline DESESQUELLES
Hélène Thomas, Les vulnérables. La démocratie contre les pauvres, Paris, Éditions du Croquant, Terra, 2010, 254 p. Reviewed by Armelle ANDRO
Roland PFEFFERKORN, Inégalités et rapports sociaux : rapports de classes, rapports de sexes, Paris, La Dispute, 2007, 412 p. Reviewed by Laure MOGUEROU
Gertrud BACKES, Vera LASH, Katja REIMANN (eds), Gender, Health and Ageing, Wiesbaden, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2006, 321 p. Reviewed by Emmanuelle CAMBOIS
Thibaut DE SAINT POL, Le corps désirable. Hommes et femmes face à leur poids, Paris, PUF, 2010, 222 p. Reviewed by Claire SCODELLARO
James C. RILEY, Low Income, Social Growth, and Good Health. A History of Twelve Countries, Berkeley/New York, University of California Press/Milbank Memorial Fund, 2008, 229 p. Reviewed by Magali BARBIERI
Christophe DEJOURS, Florence BÈGUE, Suicide et travail : Que faire ?, Paris, PUF, Souffrance et théorie, 2009, 129 p. Reviewed by Jean-Louis PAN KÉ SHON
Magali COLDEFY (ed.), La prise en charge de la santé mentale. Recueil d'études statistiques, Paris, La Documentation française, Études et statistiques, 2007, 314 p. Reviewed by Géraldine DUTHÉ [End Page 515]

