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BOOK NOTES Boysin Bluefrom the Adirondack Foothills. By Howard Thomas. (Prospect , N.Y.: Prospect Books, 1960, Pp. xiv, 297. $5.00.) The tide of this study might imply that it is local history and thus restricted as such; it is quite die contrary. It is a story of eight New York infantry regiments (14di, 26di, 34di, 97di, 117di, 121st, 146di, and 152nd) and dieir ordeals in war. Mr. Thomas, a former history teacher and holder of two degrees from die University of Massachusetts, has relied heavily on soldiers' letters and regimental histories to weave this saga of die men of die Adirondacks and die Mohawk Valley. He manipulates die various units as adroidy as a puppeteer moves die strings of his wooden actors. Tribulations on die home front supplement trials of the battlefield and give to die study a well-rounded picture too often neglected by die closeup shots of military statisticians. And even diough die regiments were but cogs in the military machines that rambled through Virginia and the Carolinas, the author has given them life and personality diat brings out war as it is—a crisis in human emotions. Though lacking in comprehensive documentation, die book is a new contribution to a better understanding of die men in blue, and die audior deserves commendation for setting a notable example for odier writers to follow. Horsemen Blue and Gray: A Pictorial History. By Hirst D. Milhollen, James R. Johnson, and Alfred Hoyt Bill. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1960. Pp. vii, 236. $10.00.) Hirst Milhollen has amply demonstrated his vast knowledge of Civil War illustrations in two earlier and well-received works, Divided We Fought and They Who Fought Here. This latest contribution, as its tide implies, is a summary in pictures and text of Civil War cavalry, and it matches in content his preceding studies. Over 300 photographs, portraits and drawings—many of them reproduced for die first time—illustrate the horsemen and major cavalry actions of the 1861-1865 struggle. Mr. Bill, who first entered the period widi a book on wartime Richmond, has written a fast-moving narrative that blends nicely widi the pictures. Major Johnson has contributed virtues to die book widi a series ofmaps for die various campaigns discussed. The large volume includes chapters on the exploits of such Federal cavalrymen as Stoneman, Streight, Kilpatrick, Custer, Sheridan, and Wilson, as well as such Confederate cavaliers as Stuart, Morgan, Forrest, and Hampton. Even 460 William Quantrill comes in for undeserving coverage. Regardless of on which side of die line dieir prejudices may lie, diose who like to view die war from atop a horse will find this new work a necessary piece of equipment for thensaddlebags . Confederate Receipt Book. Introduction by E. M. Coulter. (Athens: University of Georgia Press, 1960. Pp. 38. $2.50. ) For diose who scoff at die idea diat die homefolk of die South endured few hardships during die plague of civil war, this slim volume should provide a startling enlightenment. One characteristic of Confederate housewives was their ability to improvise and concoct recipes and medicines from the few ingredients available to diem. In 1863 one such "war widow" amassed dozens of diese formulas from neighbors and newspapers; a well-known Richmond firm printed them under the tide Confederate Receipt Book: A Compilation of Over One Hundred Receipts, Adopted to the Times. Only five copies of diis valuable Confederate imprint are known to exist. Now, enhanced widi a fresh introduction by E. Merton Coulter, the University of Georgia Press has reissued diis unusual work in attractive form. Readers will learn how to make soap from lime; how to prepare artificial oysters; how to cure warts, corns, and dysentery; andhow teedi may be kept sparkling and decay-free widi charcoal tcodi powder. This is an intriguing volume of social history diat will have appeal to buffs of eidier sex. Colonel John Pelham: Lee's Boy Artillerist. By William Woods Hassler. (Richmond: Garrett & Massie, 1960. Pp. xiii, 185. $3.50.) Slanted primarily for the younger sect, die slim biography nevertheless has several features diat will appeal to die more mature buff. "The Gallant Pelham " needs litde introduction to most students of die war...

