In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Ideas and Perspectives on Reproductive Rights
  • Jacqueline Chin Joon Lin (bio) and Fatima Castillo (bio)
Jacqueline Chin Joon Lin

Jacqueline Chin Joon Lin is Assistant Professor at the National University of Singapore's Centre for Biomedical Ethics (CBmE). Dr Chin has research interests in clinical ethics, end of life issues and women's issues.

Fatima Castillo

Fatima Castillo is Professor of Politics and Social Research at the University of the Philippines. She is a member of the Scientific and Technical Advisory Committee of Tropical Disease Research of WHO and the Technical Review Board of the Philippines National Institutes for Health. Prof Castillo is also a gender specialist on an international project that seeks to develop a global system for incentivising the private sector to invest in drug development for neglected diseases. She was formerly on the faculty of the International Bioethics Training Program, a joint Philippines-USA initiative.


