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282 / Index A Abrams, M. H. Mirror and the Lamp, The, 203, 216 Académie Française, 104 Académie Royale d’architecture, 108 Académie Royale de Peinture et de Sculpture, 3, 26 Académie Royale des sciences, 108 Act of Union, The (1707), 209 Adams, Robert, 135, 137, 141, 146, 148, 151, 153 Adams, D. J., 228, 242 Additions à la lettre sur les aveugles, 221 Adolfati, Andrea, 107, 126 Aesthetic experience, 67–68 Alderson, Amelia, 28–35, 37, 43–45, 53, 56–58, 61 Opie, Amelia, 27–62 Amati, Girolomo, 104, 109 American colonies, 134, 147, 149, 155 Analogy / Analogies, 231–232, 239, 243 Ancelet, 113–114, 121, 126 Andromeda, 4–5, 18, 21, 23, 27 Apollo, 108, 113 Armstrong, John Art of Preserving Health, The, 212–215, 218 Art as institution, 65 Artist’s studio, 27, 38–39 Atlantic, 148 Audience (spectators), 87, 92–93, 95, 98, 110–115, 118, 122, 129–130 B Baroque, 116 Barrell, John, 217 Barriere, Étienne-Bernard-Joseph, 108 Barthelemon, Mrs., 136–137, 149 Bataille, 180, 182–183, 185, 197–198 Bate, Jonathan, 202–203, 211, 215–216, 218 Romantic Ecology: Wordsworth and the Environmental Tradition, 202, 215 Beck, Rudolph, 216 Belting, Hans, 64, 65, 70 Berkeley, Bishop, 225–228, 231, 235–236, 240–242 Bernardin de Saint Pierre, Jacques Henri, 252, 255, 268, 270 Betts, C. J., 243 Black Spartacus, 247, 254, 256–257, 264 Blake, William, 202–203 282 Index Every effort has been made to include references to all identifiable persons living before or during the long eighteenth century, as well as to often cited contemporary critics and commentators, and to provide a selective listing of relevant concepts and keywords. Readers may also wish to consult the endnotes of each essay for more comprehensive information. Index / 283 Blavet, Michel, 104–105 Body as medium, 64–66, 69, 73–74, 76 Boehm, Gottfried, 64 Boisgelou, Paul Louis Roualle de, 110, 124, 128 Bolingbroke, Viscount, 160–162, 172, 175, 177 Idea of a Patriot King, The, 160, 172, 175 Boston Tea Party, 134, 152 Botkin, Daniel Discordant Harmonies, 207, 217 Boucher, Francois, 2, 25, 27 Bourbon-Condé, Louis de, comte de Clermont, 103–109, 125–127 Boydell, 29, 39, 55 Briggs, Henry Perronet, 29, 36, 38, 40, 60 Brillon de Jouy, Anne-Louise, 110 Brooke, Frances Excursion, The, 180, 187, 192, 194, 196, 199–200 Brooke, Henry Gustavus, Vasa, The Deliverer of his Country, 162–163, 165, –166, 168, 170, 176–177 Brown, Laura, 179, 197 Buell, Lawrence, 209, 218 Environmental Imagination, The, 210, 218 Buffon, 226 Burgoyne, John, General, 133, 153 Burke, 147 Burney, Charles, 103–104, 107, 110–111, 115–116, 119, 122, 127 C Cabal, 103, 111–112, 114–115, 122 Camus, Charles-Étienne-Louis, 108–109 Capperan, Gabriel, 112, 114, 116 Caracci, Annibale, 18 Carew, Thomas Masque Coelum Britanicum, 137 Cartier, Jean-Baptiste, 119, 121, 123 Cemetery, 64, 70–76 Chalker, John, 216 Characters, 95 Charles, Jacques-Alexandre-César, 104, 128 Charles, Sébastien, 241 Château-Lyon, Pierre-Louis d’Aquin de, 113 Chauveau, François, 87–88 Cheselden, William, 220, 228, 240 Chiabrano, Carlo, 116–117, 119 Choron, Alexandre, 109, 114, 124, 129 Christophe, Joseph, 4 Civilizing mission, 259 Clive, Lord, 135 Cobham, Lord, 161–162, 175–176 Coercive Acts., 134 Cohen, Ralph, 217 Cohen, Sarah R., 138, 154 Coleridge, S. T., 202–203, 216 Commonality, 221–222 Companionate marriage, 31–36, 40–42, 53, 56 Concert Spirituel, 103–105, 107–108, 110–119, 122 Condillac, 226–228, 231, 241, 244 Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas de Caritat, 249, 255, 257, 266, 270 Conjugal fidelity, 144, 149, 155 Connoisseur, 111, 113, 117–118, 121 Corelli, Arcangelo, 116, 119, 121 Corpse, 64, 69–70, 75 Country dance, 150 Coupe, Laurence, 208, 216 Coypel, Antoine, 6, 20 Coysevox, Antoine, 14–15 284 / Index Trophy of Minerva, 14 Crow, Thomas, 138, 143, 154 D d’Alembert, Jean le Rond, 115 Davis, John W., 240 Degenaar, Marjolein, 241 Deprun, Jean, 223–224, 238, 240 Dickson, P. G. M., 182, 198 Diderot, Diderot, Denis, 103, 117– 122, 219–245, 263–264, 268 Diderot devant l’idéalisme, 223, 240 Diversion, 134, 135, 150, 152 Dixmerie, Nicholas Bricaire de la...

