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CONTRIBUTORS MEUSSAJ. GANZ is a Ph.D. candidate in die Department of English at Yale University. She has published an article on gender and narrative in a nineteenth -century murder trial and has reviewed books on law and literature topics for YaleJournal ofLaw and the Humanities, American Journal ofLegal History, and Victorian Studies. She received a J.D. from the University of Pennsylvania Law School. THOMAS KEYMER is currently Leverhulme Major Research Fellow at St Anne's College, Oxford, andVisitingProfessorofEnglish atthe UniversityofToronto. His most recent books are The Cambridge Companion to English Literature 1740-1830, co-edited withJon Mee (2004), and me Penguin Classics edition ofHenry Fielding's TomJones, co-edited with Alice Wakely (2005). EARLAA. WILPUTTE is professor ofEnglish at St Francis Xavier University. She has published árdeles on Eliza Haywood, Henry Fielding, and Margaret Cavendish, and is editor ?? Adventurs ofEovaai (1999) and Three Novellas by Eliza Haywood. RORi BLOOM is assistant professor ofFrench at the University ofFlorida. She is currendy revising a book-length manuscript on l'abbé Prévost. GIULlAPAaNl is assistant professor of French at the College ofWilliam and Mary. She studies discourses ofwomen's rights in the early modern epistolary novel and has published árdeles on Staël, Gouges, Laclos, and Delille. ROBERTERlCKSON is professor ofEnglish at die University ofCalifornia, Santa Barbara, and the author of The Language ofthe Heart, 1600-1 750 and Mother Midnight: Birth, Sex, and Fate in Eighteenth-Century Fiction. He is currendy at work on a study of Milton and die poetics of ecstasy. PETER HULME is professor in literature at the University of Essex. His most recent books are Remnants of Conquest: The Island Caribs and Their Vuitors, 1877-1998 (2000) and two co-edited projects, "The Tempest" and Its Travels (2000) and die Cambridge Companion to Travel Writing (2002). SUSAN FRAIMAN, professor of English at the University of Virginia, is die audior of Unbecoming Women: Britùh Women Writers and theNovel ofDevelopment (1993) and Cool Men and the Second Sex (2003) and editor of the Norton Critícal edidon ofNorthangerAbbey (2004). MARC ANDRÉ BERNIER est professeur agrégé de français à Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Il est directeur adjoint de la revue Tangence, et responsable des équipes de recherche HERMES et CUO. JULIAM. WRIGHT is Canada Research Chair in English and Cultural Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. She is die audior of Blake, Nationalem, and the Politics ofAlienation, the editor of Lady Morgan's The Missionary: An Indian Tale, and the co-editor of Romanticism, History, and the Possibilities of Genre, NervousReactions: VictorianRecollections ofRomanticism, and CaptivatingSubjects: Writing Confinement, Citizenship, and Nationhood in the Nineteenth Century. USAWOOD is assistant professor of English at Wilfrid Laurier University and has recendy published Modes ofDiscipline: Women, Conservatism, and the Novel after theFrench Revolution (2003). JOSEPH F. BARTOLOMEO, professor of English at University of Massachusetts Amherst, is the author oíA NewSpecies ofCriticism:Eighteenth-CenturyDiscourse on the Novel (1994) and Matched Pairs: Gender and Intertextual Dialogue in Eighteenth-Century Fiction (2002). STEVENSCHERWATZKYis professor ofEnglish at Merrimack College. His most recent árdeles on SamuelJohnson have appeared in Eighteenth-Century Life and Age ofJohnson. ELEANORTYis professorand Department Chair ofEnglish and Film Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. Audior of The Politics of the Visible in Asian North American Narratives (2004), Empowering the Feminine: The Narratives of Mary Robinson, Jane West, and Amelia Opie, 1796-1812 (1998), and Unsex'd Revolutionaries: Five Women Novelists ofthe 1790s (1993), she has co-edited widi Donald Goellnicht a collection of essays, Asian North American Identities beyond the Hyphen (2004). STÉPHANIEMASSÉ estétudiante au doctoraten lettres à l'université du Québec à Trois-Rivières. Elle prépare actuellement une dièse sur le diéâtre érodque clandesün dans la France des Lumières. MARYANNE SCHOFIELD is assistant professor in die Core Humanities Program atVillanovaUniversityand ascholarofdie novel. Hercurrentinterests include women's war narradves, women's food narratives, and cadiolic studies. CLAIRE GROGAN is assistant professor ofEnglish at Bishop's University. She is working on a book tentatively tided Uncovering theFeminist Politics ofElizabeth Hamilton (1756-1816). DEBORAHKENNEDYis associate professor ofEnglish at SaintMary's University. Her publications include "The Ruined Abbey in die Eighteenth Century," Philological Quarterly 80:4...

