In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • From the Editor
  • Steven Franks, Editor-in-Chief

The present issue of JSL, which contains four stimulating articles dealing with very diverse topics and two engaging book reviews, appears just in time for distribution at the fifth annual Slavic Linguistics Society meeting, taking place at the University of Chicago on October 29 and 30, 2010. This promises to be an exciting meeting, with a diverse range of talks and participants from all over the world.

Matters of business for this meeting include selecting a venue for SLS2011 and electing two new board members. SLS2011 is likely to be in Europe, reflecting the international nature of SLS and in keeping with our current pattern of alternating between the United States and Europe. The board which as approved at SLS2008 has the following membership: Daniel Collins (OSU), Steven Franks (IU), Frank Gladney (Illinois, emeritus), Lenore Grenoble (Chicago), and Gilbert Rappaport (Texas). Since Gil and I have two-year terms, we need to be replaced at the Chicago business meeting. There are also some financial matters to be discussed. A tax-deductible account was established several years ago under the auspices of the Indiana University Foundation to promote Slavic Linguistics through the Journal of Slavic Linguistics and the Slavic Linguistics Society. Proposals for disposition of these funds will be entertained by the board. Given our current highly limited financial resources, the most realistic use of these monies is to promote student, honorary, and/or international memberships. We hope, however, to accumulate sufficient funds to help finance SLS meetings and even to support more creative enterprises down the road. We therefore ask you to consider making a donation to the Slavic Linguistics Society fund. Your check should be made out to the IU Foundation and sent to Shelley Scott at the following address: Department of Slavic Languages and Literatures, 1020 E. Kirkwood Avenue, 502 Ballantine Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405-7103. (You should write "Slavic Linguistics Enrichment Fund" in the memo line.) All donations are of course tax deductible and you will receive a letter from the IU Foundation for tax purposes. If you wish to remain anonymous, please just let us know. [End Page 177]

The field of Slavic linguistics is as ever evolving, the SLS organization is maturing, and the journal needs to grow to meet the needs of Society members and of its readers. In keeping with SLS's mission to serve the larger community of Slavic linguists, JSL aims to be as open and inclusive as possible. The Editors will consider for publication any scholarly linguistic work submitted by Society members, regardless of theoretical framework, conceptual approach, or academic affiliation. Our chief goal is to disseminate quality, thought-provoking research on Slavic language topics. We believe in open, constructive debate about linguistic theories, analyses, and issues; publication in JSL should not be construed as implying that the journal Editors or the individuals on its Editorial Board support the views expressed in its pages. With this in mind, we encourage you not only to submit new scholarly manuscripts for review, but also to consider submitting other items of general interest. In particular, we would especially look forward to receiving proposals for a Reflections column; it has been a long time since one appeared in these pages and there is surely much of interest to reflect upon. We also invite you to submit an In Memoriam piece, and we continue to solicit proposals for guest-edited topical issues. Finally, if there is a book you want to review for JSL or propose that we have reviewed, please contact Associate Editor Wayles Browne.

I turn, finally, back to the editorial process. It would be impossible to overemphasize how much the quality of JSL's contents depends on the dedication both of the authors and of the anonymous reviewers. We gratefully acknowledge the following scholars for their diligent work in refereeing one or more manuscripts for JSL over the past two years:

  • Henning Andersen

  • Valentina Apresjan

  • Mark Aronoff

  • Jonathan Barnes

  • Joanna Błaszczak

  • Olga Borik

  • Wayles Browne

  • Ivano Caponigro

  • Małgorzata Ćavar

  • Steven Clancy

  • Steven Dickey

  • Philip Dudchuk

  • Mark Gawron

  • Ljudmila Geist

  • Pavel Grashchenkov

  • Christian Hilchey

  • Andrew Hippisley

  • Marie Huffman

  • Laura Janda

  • Volkmar...

