In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Current JJ Checklist (108)
  • William S. Brockman

We call your attention to the updated catalog of the Buffalo James Joyce collection: <>. Thanks for this Checklist's contributions go to Luca Crispi, Jeff Edmunds, K. P. S. Jochum, Terence Killeen, Adrien Le Bihan, Emily Sharpe, and Andreas Weigel. Please send contributions to your bibliographer at W329 Pattee, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 16802, or via e-mail to The Checklists are cumulated online in The James Joyce Checklist <>.

JJ Works

"Cinq lettres inédites à Louis Gillet 1931-1936." Revue des deux mondes (May 2009): 41-54. ["Publiées avec l'autorisation exceptionelle de M. Stephen James Joyce." Edited by Olivier Cariguel. Transcriptions of letters dated 11 September 1931, 28 July 1934 (in Letters I but incomplete), 4 September 1935, 22 November 1935, 16 June 1936.]
"Epifanie." Literatura na swiecie whole nos. 436-37, xi-xii (2007): 5-24. [Polish trans. by Adam Poprawa.]
"James Joyce as Parodist." The Oxford Book of Parodies. Ed. John Gross. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2010. 257-60. ISBN 978-0-19-954882-8. [Includes several pieces of occasional verse: "O Father O'Ford . . .," "Rouen is the rainiest place . . .", "Humptydump Dublin . . .", and "Man dear, did you never hear. . . ."]
Killeen, Terence. "A Flawed Finnegans Wake-up Call." Irish Times (19 March 2010): 15. [Letter replying to letters from Bruce Arnold and Antony Farrell regarding Killeen's review of the Rose and O'Hanlon FW, 13 March 2010.]

Secondary Sources

Abravanel, Genevieve. "American Encounters in Dubliners and Ulysses." Journal of Modern Literature 33, iv (Summer 2010): 153-66.
ADRION, Matthias. Die Verfilmung des Unlesbaren: Problemfelder der Literaturadaption am Beispiel von James Joyces Ulysses. Saarbrücken: VDM [End Page 119] Verlag Dr. Müller, 2007. 99 pp. ISBN 3-8364-2281-6.
AIAZZI, Anna Maria. "Il plasmarsi di una traduzione memorabile: Giulio De Angelis traduce Ulysses di Joyce." Rivista di letterature moderne e comparate 62, iv (October-December 2009): 447-73.
AMARANTE, Dirce Waltrick do. Para ler Finnegans Wake de James Joyce seguido de "Anna Livia Plurabelle". São Paulo: Iluminuras, 2009. 168 pp. ISBN 978-85-7321-295-2. [Includes Portuguese translation of "ALP," 113-53.]
ASCASO, Francisco J., and Jordi Bosch. "Uveitic Secondary Glaucoma: Influence in James Joyce's (1882-1941) Last Works." Journal of Medical Biography 18, i (February 2010): 57-60.
ATTRIDGE, Derek. "Joyce's Noises." Oral Tradition 24, ii (October 2009): 471-84.
BARLOW, Richard. "Crotthers: Joyce's 'Scots Fellow' in Ulysses." Notes and Queries 57, ii (June 2010): 230-33.
BARROWS, Adam. "'The Shortcomings of Timetables': Greenwich, Modernism, and the Limits of Modernity." Modern Fiction Studies 56, ii (Summer 2010): 262-89. [Greenwich time in The Secret Agent, U, and Mrs. Dalloway.]
BASSNETT, Susan. "Influence and Intertextuality: A Reappraisal." Forum for Modern Language Studies 43, ii (April 2007): 134-46. [In part on JJ and Svevo.]
Bazarnik, Katarzyna, and Bozena Kucala, eds. James Joyce and After: Writer and Time. Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2010. vi, 220 pp. ISBN 1-4438-2072-5. [JJ-related contents: Laurent Milesi, "Futurus/ Fututus: Future Perfect and Preterition in Finnegans Wake," 7-15; Krzysztof Bartnicki, "Finnegans Wake, Featuring Time," 17-25; Izabela Curyllo-Klag, "'So Eminent a Spacialist' Versus 'The Time-Mind': Lewis, Joyce, and the Modernist Debate About Time and Space," 27-35; Arleen Ionescu, "Gifts of Time: Alternative Temporalities in Ulysses," 37-48; Piotr Pazinski, "Ulysses: Memory and Life," 49-73; Katrin Korkalainen, "'The Waiting Man Thinks the Time Long': Subjective Time and the Depiction of Emotions, Attitudes and Character in James Joyce's Dubliners," 76-88; Michael O'Brien, "'Distant Music': Temporal Divergence and Temporality in 'The Dead,'" 89-97; Ilaria Natali, "'So Faint, So Far': Memory and Experimentation in Pomes Penyeach," 99-113; Katarzyna Bazarnik, "Chronotope in Liberature," 117-32; Adam Poprawa, "Joyce's Epiphanies: In Time, Beyond Time," 133-42.]
BERTRAND, Joan. "Translating Non-Idiomatic Phrasal Verbs into French: Examples from Dubliners and Tender is the Night." Traduire ou vouloir garder un peu de la poussière d'or hommages à Paul Bensimon. Ed. Christine Raguet-Bouvart. Palimpsestes, hors série. Paris: Presses Sorbonne nouvelle...

