In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Contents
2009 NAPS Presidential Address Pity, Empathy, and the Tragic Spectacle of Human Suffering: Exploring the Emotional Culture of Compassion in Late Ancient Christianity 1 Paul M. Blowers
Sorcery, Wheels, and Mirror Punishment in the Apocalypse of Peter 29 Callie Callon
Theological Identity Making: Justin's Use of Circumcision to Create Jews and Christians 51 Nina E. Livesey
The Polemical Context of Gregory of Nyssa's Doctrine of Divine Infinity 81 Mark Weedman
Jerome's Epitaphium Paulae: Hagiography, Pilgrimage, and the Cult of Saint Paula 105 Andrew Cain
The Processions of John Chrysostom and the Contested Spaces of Constantinople 161 Nathanael Andrade
Ambrose and the Usurpation of Arbogastes and Eugenius: Reflections on Pagan-Christian Conflict Narratives 191 Michele Renee Salzman [End Page 661]
Models of Gift Giving in the Preaching of Leo the Great 225 Bronwen Neil
Moving Beyond the Palimpsest: Erasure in Syriac Manuscripts 261 Michael Philip Penn
Note: Hippolytus's Refutatio and the Gospel of Thomas 305 Steven R. Johnson
Guarding the Mysteries of Salvation: The Pastoral Pedagogy of Origen's Universalism 347 Mark S. M. Scott
Memory and Individuality in Gregory of Nyssa's Dialogus de anima et resurrectione 369 Susan Wessel
Theodore of Mopsuestia's Understanding of Two Hypostaseis and Two Prosōpa Coinciding in One Common Prosōpon 393 Frederick G. McLeod
Episcopal Succession in Constantinople (381-450 c.e.): The Local Dynamics of Power 425 Peter Van Nuffelen
Shenoute and a Recently Discovered Tomb Chapel at the White Monastery 453 Elizabeth S. Bolman, Stephen J. Davis, and Gillian Pyke Illustrations follow page 462
High Priests of the Highest God: Third-Century Platonists as Ritual Experts 481 Heidi Marx-Wolf
Porphyry in Fragments: Jerome, Harnack, and the Problem of Reconstruction 515 Ariane Magny
Antony's Letters and Nag Hammadi Codex I: Sources of Religious Conflict in Fourth-Century Egypt 557 Lance Jenott and Elaine Pagels [End Page 662]
The Law-Observant Lord: John Chrysostom's Engagement with the Jewishness of Christ 591 Joshua Garroway
Rufinus of Aquileia and Alexandrian Afterlives: Translation as Origenism 617 Catherine M. Chin
Book Reviews 141, 327, 463, 649
Books Received 159, 343, 477, 657 [End Page 663]

