In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Sinkovics Hybridoma—The Discovery of the First "Natural Hybridoma"
  • Milton Wainwrlght
Milton Wainwrlght
Department of Molecular Biology and Biotechnology, The University of Sheffield, Sheffield S10 2TN, England


1. SINKOVICS, J. G. Medical Oncology, an Advanced Course. New York: M. Dekker, 1986.
2. SINKOVICS, J. G., DREWINKO, B., and THORNELL, E. W. Immunoresistant tetraploid lymphoma cells. Lancet 1:139-140, 1970.
3. SINKOVICS, J. G. The earliest concept of the "hybridoma principle" recognized in 1967-1968. Front. Radiat. Ther. Oncol. 24:18-31, 1990.
4. SINKOVICS, J. G. Discovery of the hybridoma principle in 1968-1969. Immortalization of the specific antibody producing cell by fusion with a lymphoma cell. J. Med. 16:509-524, 1985.
5. SINKOVICS, J. G. An interesting early observation concerning specific antibody-producing hybridomas. J. Infect. Dis. 145:135, 1982.
6. SINKOVICS, J. G. Hodgkin's disease. Lancet 2:506-507, 1975.

On Declension of a Conjugation

O give me leave to be your lover,Unto me cleave, on wind-swept clover,Thy breast to heave, my weight to hover.

O we shall live a lustrous life,Together strive, but have no strife,And ever thrive in perfect thrife.

As we thrive in bounteous thrift,As now drive, and then we drift,To rive us there shall be no rift.

Whate'er you see shall be my sight,We'll lie in the lee, in dark or light—We'll fie and fee, but have no fight.

And when it does, that one must dieLet's touch our toes, then lyse our tie.They naught can lose, who sleeping lie.


