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ANNOUNCEMENTS OF NEW BOOKS BIOCHEMISTRY TSe StructuralBasis ofAntibody Specificity. By David Pressman and Allan L. Grossberg. New York: W. A. Benjamin, Inc., October, 1967. Pp. 224. Illus. Bibliog. Index. $12.50 (about). This monograph brings together a quantitative appraisal of research on the chemical nature ofantibody specificity since the earlier studies described by Landsteiner. It will be useful as a text for senior-graduate level courses on chemical immunology or immunochemistry , and as a reference for immunologists, pharmacologists, enzymologists, and allergists. BIOLOGY The Biology ofthe Striped Skunk. By B.J. Verts. Urbana: University ofIllinois Press, December, 1967. Pp. viii+211. Alus. Bibliog. Index. $7.95. The characteristics ofstriped skunk populations and the interspecific relationships associated with the noted prevalence ofrabies among them are explored in depth in this first detailed study ofthe ecology and life history ofthe species Mephitis mephitis (Schreber). Invertebrate Structure and Function. By E. J. W. Barrington. Edited by Bentley Glass. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., December, 1967. Pp. 564. Illus. Bibliog. Index. This book breaks from the strict systematic approach to invertebrate zoology with a detailed comparison of the morphology, physiology, and mode of life of invertebrate animals. Beginning on the biochemical and hormonal level, this text compares invertebrate organ systems, behavior, and social interactions from the egg through metamorphosis to die adult stages and reproduction. The Lichen Symbiosis. By Vernon Ahmadjian. Waltham, Mass.: Blaisdell Publishing Co., 1967. Pp. 152. Illus. Bibliog. Index. $5.75. A guide for biology students and scientists to the literature, methodology, and die present status ofexperimental lichenology, this book gives a critical evaluation ofthe field sufficient to serve as a point ofdeparture forfurther research and experimental studies. PhilosophicalProblemsin Biology (PhilosophyofScience Series, No. 5).Edited byVincent E. SmTTH, Ph.D. New York: St.John's University Press, 1966. Pp. 129. Index. $3.50. The essays in this book reflect typicalissues in the ongoingdebate about thenature oflife and ofits origin and development, the theory oflife, the problem ofevolution, and the dividing line between philosophy and theoretical biology. Announcements ofNew Books · Advertising Perspectives in Biology and Medicine · Autumn 1967 The Plastids, Their Chemistry, Structure, Growth and Inheritance. ByJohn T. O. Kirk and Richard A. E. Tilney-Basseit. San Francisco and London: W. H. Freeman & Co., March, 1967. Pp. xvi+608. Illus. Bibliog. Index. $17.50. A comprehensive account ofthe state ofour knowledge concerning the formation and inheritance ofplastids.Theauthorsdrawtogetherforthefirsttimetheobservations ofthe plant anatomist, physiologist, biochemist, and geneticist and enable the specialist in one area to learn ofthe advances in another. Radiation and Life. By George E. Davis. Ames: Iowa State University Press, September, 1967. Pp. 344. Illus. Index. $6.50. This is auniqueintroductionforthestudent or laymanto the principles ofatomic physics and biology and their interplay, with particular emphasis on the impact ofradiation on human and animal life. Includes a table of elements, glossary, values of physical constants , and some commonly used abbreviations. Sharks, Skates, andRays.Edited byPerryW. Gilbert, RobertF. Mathewson, andDavid P. Rall. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, August, 1966. Pp. 640. Illus. Index. $15.00. The diirty-nine papers in this collection provide a comprehensive compendium ofour present knowledge of elasmobranch biology. They include information on evolution, shark populations, osmoregulation, nervous systems, dark adaptation, electric organ physiology, metabolism, and immunochemistry. GENETICS Genetics ofInsect Vectors ofDisease. Edited by J. W. Wright and R. Pal. New York: American Elsevier Publishing Co., Inc., November, 1967. Pp. 800. Illus. Bibliog. Index . $67.50. This book dealswith theuse ofgeneticmanipulationfor the control ofinsect pests. Techniques for the study of genetics ofvectors and mass-breeding procedures for important vectors have been included. Also discussed are ways in which research could be carried out fruitfully in a number ofnew directions. Proceedings of'the ThirdInternational Congress ofHuman Genetics. Edited byJames F. Crow and James V. Neal. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, October, 1967. Pp. 566. Illus. Bibliog. $14.50. Recent progress in the study ofhuman genetics has been rapid and fruitful. These papers range over every aspect ofhuman genetics, including die use of computers to process genetic information and genetic implications for the future ofhuman evolution. MEDICINE Ancient Medicine: Selected Papers of Ludwig Edelstein. Edited by Owsei and C. Lilian Temkin. Baltimore: TheJohns Hopkins Press, October, 1967. Pp. 496. Index. $12.50. Announcements ofNew Books · Advertising...

