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trainees and teachers," but the format makes it much more a source text for advanced study than a "reference source of old and new information on the hand." Indeed, the very inclusion of new information—with a confusing accompanying array of new terminology, such as "juxtametacarpal compartment" —makes an index all the more sorely missed. Landsmeer's new atlas is an awesome and remarkably successful attempt to achieve a three-dimensional, "functional-spatial" compendium of hand anatomy, but a reference book it is not. Lee E. Edstrom, M.D. Department of Surgery University of Chicago Modern Stoma Care. Edited by Frank C. Walker. Edinburgh, London, and New York: Churchill Livingstone, 1976. Pp. 193. $22.50. This book was written by a team of three British surgeons, a medical officer of health, a dermatologist, a district nursing officer, and a stoma therapist. To date, it provides the best guide on the day to day problems of managing the complications of an ileostomy, colostomy, and ileal conduit. It is simply worded, gives adequate details, and has excellent drawings and illustrations. Although it is aimed mainly for the stoma therapist it caters adequately for anybody, junior or senior, who is actively involved in creating or treating these stomas. The appendices covering various types of stoma equipment and stoma adhesives from various firms give good practical details about these products. One may argue about some relatively minor points in surgical techniques, such as the need for a rod in the construction of a temporary colostomy. But these do not distract from the real value of this comprehensive volume. In future editions, it is hoped that some information will be given about the problems in management of the patient with Koch's reservoir ileostomy as experience is gained with this new procedure. The cost of $22.50 is rather steep, but this is an indication of the rising cost of publications in general. The authors are to be congratulated for their effort and it is hoped that they will keep it up to date as new advances are made in the care of patients with various artificial stomas. A. R. Moossa Department of Surgery University of Chicago 1 66 Book Reviews ...

