In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

"Vn doctor pregunto de la vida de un su sobrino, e su maestro [remember the Letrado!] dixole: Vuestro sobrino es luxurioso e goloso e jugador de dados. E dixo el sabio: Todas esas cosas de ligero pueden auer correpçion. E pregunt óle sy costumbraua mentir. E dixole el maestro que era muy mentiroso . E dixo el sabio·" Agora desespero del, ca este pecado, comino sea muy malo, non se puede corregir de ligero. El chantre de París, que era vn grand sabio, dixo a vn su seruidor que mas querría que fuesse luxurioso e adultero que fuesse mentiroso. Granting that we have here a nephew instead of a son, and that the teacher attributes three other vices to him, the wise man's reaction still seems clearly to anticipate that of D. Beltrán. Lying, he seems to be telling us, is worse than all the other vices combined; and his French opposite number bears him out. At this late date, it is probably not possible to establish whether or not Ruiz de Alarcón ever read the ejemplo. Thus, our hypothetical verdad may be every bit as sospechosa as that which Garcia manhandled so grievously; but the speculation is none the less a tempting one. FOOTNOTES ' This paper was read at the October, 1968, meeting of the Midwest Modern Language Association, in Cincinnati, Ohio. 2 References are to volume II of the Obras completas de Juan Ruiz de Alarcón, ed. Agust ín Millares Carlo (México, 1959), pp. 384, ff. 3Ed. A. Morel-Fatio, Romania, VII (1878), pp. 481-526. Everything quoted in this article is from p. 526. MINUTES OF THE 1969 MEETING OF THE COMEDIANTES A dinner meeting of the Comediantes was held on Sunday, December 28, 1969, at 6:30 p.m., in the Coronet Room of the Brown Palace Hotel, Denver. (20 attended.) Present: Professor Hannah E. Bergman (Chairman), Dean J. H. Parker (Acting Secretary), Professors P. B. Bell, T. E. Case, J. A. Castañeda, A. V. Ebersole and Mrs. Ebersole, G. Emmons , Markéta Freund, Hugh Kennedy, Ruth L. Kennedy, W. T. McCready, W. Moseley, J. A. Parr and Mrs. Parr, M. S. Pincus, H. B. Powers, Amy Sparks, R. W. Tyler, and V. G. Williamsen . Regrets were received from Professor Arthur M. Fox, Secretary, who was unable to travel to Denver on account of an accident and also on account of his father's very serious illness. After a delicious capon dinner ($6) served by the Brown Palace Hotel, the Chairman, Professor Hannah E. Bergman , welcomed the comediantes present , and thanked Dr. Markéta Freund of the University of Colorado, Boulder, for having arranged the dinner, and Dean Parker for his kindness in taking over for Professor Fox. In a Chairman's report, Professor Bergman described the activities of Spanish Group 3, MLA. As requested by the Modern Language Association, Professor Bergman held a meeting of the Officers and the members of the Advisory and Nominating Committee of Spanish 3 at 11 a.m., December 28, 1969, in the Leadville Room of the Brown Palace Hotel (Present: Berg- man, Ebersole, McCready, Parker), and prepared a plan for the establishing of an Executive Committee for Group 3. This plan was accepted by Group 3 at its meeting on December 28, 1969, 1:15-2:30 p.m., in Ballroom B, Brown Palace. In this plan, the Officers and the Advisory and Nominating Committee of Group 3 will evolve into a 5-member Executive Committee, with each member serving a total of 5 years: three years as a member of the Committee and one year as Secretary and one year as Chairman. The function of the Committee will be to plan the annual program of Group 3 and to establish the necessary subcommittees of the Group. The plan for Committee members for the next three years is as follows: 1970: Chairman , Arthur M. Fox; Secretary, John G. Weiger; other members: Jack H. Parker, Warren T. McCready, Alva V. Ebersole, Sidney F. Wexler, Joseph H. Silverman. 1971: Chairman, John G. Weiger; Secretary, Warren T. McCready ; other members: Alva V. Ebersole , Sidney F. Wexler, Joseph H. Silverman . 1972: Chairman, Warren T. McCready...

