In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

for TL until some time after 1625? 8 There is still another passage that might seem toshow that the Burlador's reviser made the same type of mistake he made in forgetting that the play had no Don Juan Tenorio, el viejo and also that he had given the play two Belisas for the one Belisa of TL. This passage is concerned with the Burlador's line 430: Vn pescador Anfriso, un pobre padre (Fernandez's Note III, 417-28). The proof of the reviser's memory lapse is, to be sure, somewhat obscured by line 404, syntactically out of keeping with 403. But there is at least a strong possibility that we have again the reviser who, writing the Burlador's 403, forgot that TLs Anfriso was, not Tisbea's father, but her suitor. On p. 155, 8 Fernández agrees that TL's lines 991-95 show the Burlador's dependence on TL, thus indicating the latter's priority in date. But in order to sustain his thesis of the Burlador's priority, the editor postulates an earlier Burlador, now lost, a text from which the 1630 Burlador and TL came. (This is a postulation made several times elsewhere in the book.) There is no objection to the assumption of an earlier text; W-M following previous commentators, made a similar suggestion because of the imperfect condition of both TL and the Burlador. W-M insisted, however, that it was not a Burlador text but a, TL version of the play. What the editor's postulation of an earlier Burlador does to TL's composition date is a matter of conjecture . It is interesting, however, that Fern ández in the last paragraph of his Note I, 669-72 offers a dating not expressed in years but that was presumably 1640, the year of Portugal's brealdng away from Spain. ^^6 J^i PROGRAM FOR SPANISH 3. The Spanish Comedia, Friday, 27 December 1968. 3:00-4:15 p.m. Mercury Ballroom, New York Hilton. The Comediantes luncheon will be held at 12 noon on Friday, December 27, in the Amsterdam Room of the Dutch Taveerne Restaurant in the New York Hilton Hotel. For reservations write Professor Hannah E. Bergman, Dept. of Romance Languages, Herbert H. Lehman College, City University of New York, Bedford Park Blvd. West, Bronx, N.Y. 10468. Do not delay. Spanish 3: The Spanish Comedia. Chairman, Walter Poesse, Indiana University ; Secretary, Mrs. Hannah Bergman , Hunter College. I. Business II. Papers and Discussion 1."Satirical portraits of Luis Vélez in early 1625", Ruth L. Kennedy , University of Arizona (20 minutes ) . 2."The comic treatment of conjugal honor in Lope's Las ferias de Madrid", Donald McGrady, University of California (Santa Barbara ) (20 minutes). 3. "The shadow of death in the comedia of Tárrega", John G. Weiger , University of Vermont (20 minutes ) . At the meeting of the comediantes, 28 December 1967, the possibility of setting up a conference (now called "seminar") was suggested and an invitation to share ideas and suggestions was issued in the spring Bulletin (pp. 10-11). Professor Ebersole of North Carolina agreed to be discussion leader. To date there has been no response to this idea and it is planned, at the meeting scheduled for 27 December 1968, to present the suggestion again, but with the specific intent of determining whether it should be pursued or abandoned . Professor Ebersole has suggested as a topic for discussion the drama of the last quarter of the 17th century (post-Calderonian) and Professor Silverman had earlier suggested the Pre-Lopean drama. Comediantes are urged to give the matter some thought in order that a decision can be reached at a time when much of the membership is together. 42 ...

