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El Mentidero de Comediantes Bajo este título, regocijados comediófilos , hallaréis de ahora en adelante la columna de noticias que antes se llamaba "Capa y Espada." Para que particip éis y gocéis del mismo espíritu alegre y bullicioso que imperaba en los antiguos mentideros — el de Comediantes y el de las Gradas de San Felipe •— os recomiendo que leáis los dos art ículos de Ricardo Sepúlveda en su libro Madrid viejo, págs. 1-17 y 335-52, o en IEA, XXXI (1887), pte. Ia, págs. 130-31 y pte. 2a, págs. 302-03. Spanish Drama Before Lope de Vega, by J. P. W. Crawford (1937), is being reprinted by the University of Pennsylvania Press. A supplement (compiled by Ye Editor) brings the bibliography up to date and provides a handy guide to recent editions and studies. This indispensable and sorelyneeded history of pre-Lopean drama should be available by the time you read this item. Order it now for yourselves , your libraries, and your classes. Suggestion for a cooperative project — We all know about the Ticknor Collection in Boston, the University of Pennsylvania's collection of the Escogidas volumes, and California's pride and joy, the Partes of Lope de Vega. But what about other universities and libraries? It could happen that the very volume you want at a given moment and place is within easy reach. For example: if you live in the Chicago area, or happen to be visiting there, and need vol. 23 of the Escogidas, it is not necessary to write to Boston or Philadelphia — the University of Chicago has a copy. If you are bored by "Expo '67" in Montreal, come to Toronto and enjoy our Escogidas 28, 38, 42, 48; Diferentes 25; Lope's Partes I ( Amberes , 1607), II (Amberes, 1611), VI (Madrid, 1616), X (Madrid, 1618), XX (Barcelona, 1630), XXII (Madrid, 1635); and Calderon's Parie II ("Q" version). I propose, therefore, that data on the location of volumes of such important collections as the Escogidas, Diferentes, Partes of Lope, Calderón, etc. be sent to Ye Ed. for publication in this column. Don't wait for a meeting or a committee report; just jot down the information and send it along. Acabamos de recibir la noticia de que Ediciones Anaya, de Salamanca, ha de reimprimir la Vida de Lope de Vega de Rennert y Castro, con un apéndice de Fernando Lázaro Carreter . Más detalles cuando los obtengamos . Research Committee Report The Research Committee of Spanish 3 met following the Comediantes luncheon at the 1966 MLA Annual Meeting in New York. Present were James A. Castañeda, Arthur M. Fox (Chairman), Carlos Ortigoza, Walter Poesse, and Richard W. Tyler. It was decided to embark on a critical survey and annotated bibliography of editions and studies of Calderón, covering the years 1951-1966. The full list of compilers and the period for which each is responsible will be published in the next Bulletin. Minutes of the 1966 Meeting· The luncheon and business meeting were held on Wednesday, December 28, at the "Gate of Cleve" Restaurant in the Hotel Sheraton-Atlantic. Approximately 35 people were in attendance. 30 Warren T. McCready, who was Chairman of the meeting, read the following recommendations from Karl Gregg: 1.An increase in membership dues from $2.00 to $2.50, effective with the 1968 issues. 2.An increase in non-member subscription rates from $2.00 to $3.00, effective with the 1968 issues. 3.The charge for back issues to be raised to $1.50 per number, effective immediately. All recommendations were unanimously approved. The meeting concluded with a unanimous vote of thanks to William Whitby for his excellent work as Editor of the Bulletin. Warren T. McCready will be the new Editor, Diego Marin Associate Editor, and Karl Gregg will continue as Business Manager. Joseph H. Silverman Secretary ^^i» j^i 31 ...

