In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

caballero de Olmedo, June 22-23. [Courtesy John Davies. Univ. of Toronto] . Lope's El caballero de Olmedo and La malcasada were presented at the Teatro de Cámara "Corral de Comedias " in Valladolid, directed by G. Pérez Puig. [Spa. Cult. Ind., 203 (Dec. 1962)]. The McCarter Theatre of Princeton University includes in its 1963 Winter -Spring program Roy Campbell's translation of Lope de Vega's Fuente Ovejuna. [Program, courtesy A. G. Reichenberger] . Lope's Dog in the Manger was presented by Theatre 11, the experimental arm of the University of Pittsburgh Theatre during December, 1962. [Courtesy J. Lihani]. Fuenteovejuna was presented during the Spring, 1963, season by the University of Minnesota Department of Drama. Announcements Professor J. H. Parker (Toronto) very kindly sends the following report : "Lope de Vega: A Critical Survey and Annotated Bibliography of Lope de Vega Studies from 'Fichter' through 1961, with a Tentative Consideration of the Quadricentennial Year, 1962". Research Committee: J. H. Parker (Ch), J. A. Castañeda, A. M. Fox, Edward Glaser, R. R. MacCurdy, Carlos Ortigoza, Walter Poesse, A. G. Reichenberger, Ramon Rozzell, Helen L. Sears, K.-L. Selig, A. S. Trueblood , R. W. Tyler, G. E. Wade. By the Spring of 1963, all materials had been received from the compilers, and during the Summer the project was edited (and typed) by Parker and Fox (General Editors). At the beginning of September a MS was sent to Professor Myron Peyton, under whose guidance methods of having the MS printed are being explored . A report on progress will be given at the December MLA meeting in Chicago. MLA Meeting—Chicago: The Comedia Group will meet on Saturday, 28 December, at 8:45 a.m. The program will consist of a symposium on La vida es sueño, at which the following will speak: 1.Robert ter Horst, University of Wisconsin: "New Light on La vida es sueño." 2.William M. Whitby, University of Arizona : "Doctrina, amor y sueño en la conversión de Segismundo." 3.Edwin Honig, Brown University: "Reading What's in La vida es sueño—and Then Some". There will be a luncheon at Drake's Restaurant and Lounge following the meeting. All wishing to attend the luncheon should write to Professor B. W. Wardropper, Duke University. Since a discussion of the papers will take place at the luncheon, it is hoped that as many as possible will attend. There will also be a meeting of subscribers to the Bulletin on Friday, December, 4:45-6, room to be announced in MLA program. Corrección En mi nota "Una advertencia est ética de Lope de Vega a su público" en el Bulletin of the Comediantes, 1963 (XIV) , núm. 2, págs. 4-6, cometí el error de copiar mal el borrador al escribir "entre Julio y su criado Fernando " (pág. 4) en vez de "Fernando y su criado Julio"; y en la pág. 5, col. 1, último renglón se deslizó el mismo "lapsus", haciéndome decir "Julio a su criado Fernando" en vez de "Julio, su criado, a Fernando." F. S. Escribano . ...

