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instead. Although the recent rejection by her lover confuses her motives, it is clear that she prefers death to a marriage, forced by definition, since she feared to lose a precious possession , namely, the freedom of her people . As C. V. Sargent put it: "The object of her self-immolation is . . . to escape an unwelcome marriage following upon a disastrous love affair ."» Returning to El amor constante and the poison scene summarized above, Mr. La Du has stated: Thus it appears that we are here not concerned with a forced marriage as that term is usually understood . . . , but with an impossible marriage — a marriage opposed by Nisida, by her father, by the law of the land, and by God. (p. 15) However, the prospect is real enough to Nisida, who prefers the poison to the "impossible" marriage. The pertinent fact remains the immediate problem of the scene in question, namely, should Nisida take the poison or should she agree to a marriage which she, as well as her father, the law and God all oppose? In short, the choice between death and a forced marriage.10 1JoIm G. Weiger, "Matrimony in the Theater of Guillen de Castro." BCom, X, [2] (Fall, 1958), 1-3; Robert R. La Du, "A Rejoiner to: Matrimony . . . ." BCom, XI, 2 (Fall, 1959), 10-16. AU references in parentheses containing page number only, refer to the latter article. -Obras de don Guillen de Castro, ed. Eduardo Julia Martínez (Madrid, 1925-1927). All references in parentheses containing volume and page number refer to this edition . ^Observaciones preliminares to edition cited in note 2, vol. II, p. xiv. 4That Martín González is below Ximena in social station and thus does not have to be accepted by her according to the provision of her pregón, is, of course, possible, though doubtful, in view of his position as royal ambassador, his being listed in the cast as Don (only the royal family is accorded this title in the cast), and of course, the fact that Ximena speaks these lines at all. "'Joseph G. Fucilla, "Giraldi's Hecatommithi . . .: Central Version in the Diffusion of the Courtly Cid Theme." PMLA, LXVI, 5 (Sept., 1951), 794. "Schack, Hist, de la lit. y del arte dramático en España, III (Madrid, 1887), 239. "Adalbert Hämel, "Der Cid im spanischen Drama des XVI. und XVII. Jahrhunderts." Zeitschrift für romanische Philologie, Beiheft XXV (1910), 17. 8At the time that Ximena makes this statement, the Queen has been dead for more than a year (II, 193), but Castro's desire to include unaltered this portion of the traditional romance, underlines rather than detracts from the brazenness of the admonition. "Cecilia V. Sargent, A Study of the Dramatic Work of Cristóbal de Virués (New York, 1930), 62 (in a comparison with Virués' Elisa Dido) . 1 "Castro's fellow Valencian, Tárrega, includes a similar situation in La duquesa constante: Gov. Torcato suggests that he and Flaminia kill his wife and get married. Flaminia, who is married to the imprisoned Duke, refuses and voluntarily drinks what she believes to be poison (BAE, XLIII, 8587 ). A Current Bibliography of Foreign Publications Dealing With The Comedia Compiled by Warren T. McCready University of Toronto Robert R. Bishop Lafayette College 1963—2 Miscellaneous Baader, Horst: "Die Eifersucht in der spanischen Comedia des goldenen Zeitalters." Romanische Forschungen, LXXIV (1962), 318-44. [Bataillon, Marcel]. Mélanges offerts â Marcel Bataillon par les hispanistes français. Ed. Maxime Chevalier , Robert Ricard, Noël Salomon. Bordeaux, Féret et Fils, 1962. Pp. xxxii, 743. Castro, Americo. De la edad conflictiva . I: El drama de la honra en España y en su literatura. Madrid, 1961. Rev: J. A. van Praag, Quaderni Ibero-Americani, no. 28, pp. 234-36; see also: Vilar, Sergio. Diego, Gerardo. "Vida del Parnaso." Villa de Madrid, III (1961) no. 12, pp. 5-8. [Participation of Lope, Cervantes , Quevedo in literary academies of XVI and XVII centuries]. Flecniakoska, Jean-Louis. "Les confréries de Notre-Dame-du-Rosaire et la diffusion de la comedia." Bataillon Mélanges, pp. 437-47. Flecniakoska, Jean-Louis. "Une épître d'Antonio de Guevara et la Loa entre...

