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appeal for voluntary contributions in addition to the annual dues. The alternative to this method of financing would be an increase in dues, which all concerned would prefer to avoid. In his report on the topic poll that had been taken prior to the meeting, Chairman Peyton pointed out that the question of "Ways and Means of Encouraging and Improving Research in the Comedia" had been a strong second choice with a substantial plurality over the third and fourth options and all original suggestions. In view of the interest shown in the subject, he proposed that it be given serious consideration at a meeting in the near future. Attention was now turned to the topic of the day, which was "The Spanish Comedia in the Light of Modern Trends in Criticism and Aesthetics, Including the 'New Criticism.' " Short papers relative to the subject were read by Professors Gilman and Selig, after which the meeting wa;> opened to discussion from the floor. The general discussion revolved principally about the nature and relative importance of historical and critical investigation with regard to the comedia. Professor Kennedy suggested that fundamental questions of chronology, attribution and text have priority over matters of a purely aesthetic nature. Professor Wade argued that interpretive studies cannot be deferred indefinitely, but must be undertaken on the basis of historical data presently available. He added that the term "new criticism" still lacks precise definition, that its contribution to the study of the comedia merits serious evaluation , and cited Northrop Frye's Anatomy of Criticism to the effect that all methods are valid within their own province. Professor MacCurdy observed that the new criticism is especially legitimate as applied to well known and thoroughly documented plays. Professor Rozzell commented on the need for properly edited texts. Professor Wade pointed to the difficulty in finding publishers for such material, which prompted Gilman to say that the Comediantes themselves , together with their colleagues, students and institutional libraries, constitute a fairly substantial market from the point of view of the scholarly press. Rozzell extended an invitation to Gilman to join the Comediantes. The meeting adjourned at 10:30. The luncheon was held at Drake's Restaurant with no formal program. The question of a topic for the 1960 meeting was discussed, with a tentative decision in favor of "The Teaching of the Comedia." Both sessions were well attended. Robert J. Bininger Northwestern University A Current Bibliography of Foreign Publications Dealing with the Comedia Compiled by Jack H. Parker University cf Toronto K.-L. Selig University of North Carolina 1960—1 Miscellaneous Alatorre, Margit Frenk. "Glosas de tipo popular en la antigua lírica." Nueva Revista de Filología Hispánica, XIII, Nos. 3-4 (July-Dec, 1958), pp. 301-334. Alonso, Dámaso. De los siglos oscuros al de Oro. Madrid, 1958. Review by Manuel Alvar , Revista de Filología Española, XLI (1957), 470-471; and by I. S. Révah, Bulletin des Etudes Portugaises et de L'Institut Français au Portugal, XXI (1959), 313. Barcelo Jiménez, J. Historia del teatro en Murcia. I, 1959. Pp. 216. Cain, Virgil J. "The Spanish Classical Theatre." A.U.M.L.A. (Journal of the Australian Universities Language and Literature Association), No. 10 (May, 1959), pp. 71-80. Castro, Americo. "El drama de la honra en España y en su literatura." Cuadernos (Paris), No. 38 (Sept.-Oct., 1959), pp. 3-15; No. 39 (Nov.-Dec, 1959), pp. 1628 . Cioranescu, Alejandro. El barroco o el descubrimiento del drama. La Laguna, 1957. Review by V.G.S., Revista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate, XI, Nos. 3-4 (1959), pp. 308-309. La danza de la muerte. Mexico, 1959. Pp. 45. Espina, A. (ed.). Las mejores escenas del teatro español e hispanoamericano desde sus orígenes hasta la época actual. 1959. Pp. 1,172. García Blanco, M. "Alusiones al chocolate en el teatro español clásico." Corre-: Erudito, V, No. 34, pp. 176-177. Glaser, Edward, Estudios hìspano-poriugueses . Valencia, 1957. Review by I. S. Révah, Bulletin des Etudes Portugaises et de L'Institut Français au Portugal, XXI (1959), 320. Hermenegildo, Alfredo. Burgos en el Romancero y en el...

