In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Barcelona, Juan Nadal, 1777. A-D2. Ver y creer- Matos Fragoso. 2a parte de Reynar después de morir [Madrid] Quiroga, 1795. 35pp. Faltan las páginas 25-32. Verse, y tenerse por muertos- Manuel Freyle de Andrade. Num. 60. Salamanca, Imp. Santa Cruz, s.a. 36pp. (Victimas Las) del amor, Ana y SindhamZabala y Zamora. Num. 6. Barcelona, Piferrer, s.a. 34pp. Vida (La) es sueño- Calderón. Núm. 1. Madrid, Lib. Isidro Lopez, Barcelona, 1790. Fol. 1-35. Vida, y muerte de El Cid, y noble Martin Palaez- Un Ingenio. Núm. 195. Barcelona, Serra, 1807. 32pp. Un Ingenio de esta Corte. N. 2. Valencia, Agustín Laborde, 1773. Fol. 1-36. Un Ingenio de la Corte. Num. 28 (?) s.l., s.a. Pag. 1-36. Un Ingenio de la Corte. Num. 112. Salamanca , Imp. Santa Cruz, 36pp. Un Ingenio de esta Corte. Num. 146. Barcelona, Juan Serra y Centené, 1807. A-D2. Un Ingenio. Num. 193. Valencia, Mompie , 1882. 32pp. Viejo (El) y la niña- Inarco celenio, P.A. [Madrid], Quiroga, s.a. 36 pp. Viejo (El) y la niña- Anon. N. 10. Barcelona , Piferrer, s.a. Representada en el Principe, 1790. 36pp. Virgen (La) déla Salceda- Maestro Leon y Calleja- Valladolid, Imp., Alonso del Riego, s.a. A-E2. Vísperas (Las) sicilianas- Tres Ingenios. Valladolid , Imp. Alonso del Riego, s.a. A-D2. Viuda (La) gaditana- Anón. Traducida del ingles al español. N. 9. Cadiz, Imp. de Marina, s.a. 2 actos. 27pp. Yo me entiendo, y Dios me entiendeCa ñizares. N. 51. Valencia, Vda. de Joseph de Orga, 1763. Pag. 1-32. Zelos (Los) hacen estrellas y el amor hace prodigios- Juan Velez de Guevara. Licencia 16 Noviembre 1757. Tassa 24 Diciembre 1757. Fol. 1-42. Zenobia y Rhadamisto- Zavala y Zamora. Madrid, Imp. Administración Real Arbitrio de Beneficiencia, 1799. 78pp. Comedias Escogidas. Tomo XLVIII; imcompletos II, XXII, XL. Calderón- Parte II. 1683; Parte Novena, 1691. Diamante. Tomo I. 1670. Falta Santa Maria Magdalena de Pazzi. DECEMBER, 1958 MEETING OF THE COMEDIANTES, M. L. A. Committee: J. H. Parker (Chairman) Helen Sears (Secretary) John Liham (Third Member) Place and Time: Hotel Statler, New York City, Saturday, December 27, 1958, 11:30 a.m.- 12:45 p.m.; to be followed immediately by a LUNCHEON at Riggs Restaurant, 45 West 33rd Street. (An all-expense luncheon, arranged by Professor Lihani, $1.35, including tip and tax.) Business: As per the Minutes of the Washington (1956) Meeting, the Comediantes will be asked to decide upon the continuation or not (in view of M.L.A. and other duplication) of the semi-annual Bibliography. Discussion: The theme is "El príncipe constante , a Tragedy?" Arnold Reichenberger , of Pennsylvania, will open the discussion with arguments that El príncipe constante is not a tragedy . Carlos Ortigoza, of Colorado , will present his opinion that the play is indeed one. Nellie E. Sánchez -Arce, of Wells College, will relate the problem to Mira de Amescua's Don Alvaro tragedy, and William M. Whitby, University of Southern California , will discuss the question with reference to the theories of tragedy of Falk and Marty. Members present will (Continued on page 23) 16 milling or the gathering of grapes. Of all songs, these are best adapted to dancing, and dramatists were obviously attracted by their rhythmic qualities and by the naturalness with which they could be inserted in plays with a rustic setting. Another type of dance and song which fitted neatly into context was that which dealt with weddings, so often the dénouement of the complicated love intrigues of the Spanish comedia. Also of frequent occurrence are the choruses of welcome , with a refrain such as "bienvenido sea, sea bienvenido", which are well suited to a group of dancers. The monotony of these musical greetings usually finds an appropriate setting in the formal pattern of plays designed to flatter noble patrons. With the decline of the Golden Age, dramatists seem to become less protean in literary expression and each follows a more limited course. Those who continue the traditions of the comedia do so with generally failing inspiration. The limited place...

