In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

NOTICES OPINIONS OF OUR READERS We shall be pleased to publish two or three short opinion pieces in every issue. These short essays on any biomedical subject must be no longer than about 800 words. They may be relevant to previously published articles, but this is not necessary. A few key references will usually be required. Opinions of our Readers will not be regarded as major publications, and acceptances may not be based on the usual outside peer reviews. Provocative and humorous contributions are especially encouraged. No publication fee will be required. ERRORS We are calling our readers' attention to three significant errors which appeared in David Fox's essay, "Rheumatoid Arthritis- Heresies and Speculations" that appeared in Volume 40, page 479. On page 485 line 3 delete "12" following "DR". In the title for Table 4, page 486, "Cell-Concentrations" should read "Cell-Cell Interactions in RA Synovium". Speculation #2 on page 486 should read "The Role ofSynoviocytes Includes Antigen Presentation". We profoundly regret these mistakes. 190 Errors ...

