In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Seminar A Journal of Germanic Studies Index to Volume XLVI, 2010 articles susan c. anderson Surface Translations: Meaning and Difference in Yoko Tawada’s German Prose 50 thorsten carstensen Zwischen Rekonstruktion und Dekonstruktion : Hermann Brochs Die Schlafwandler 1 michael cowan and barbara hales Introduction to 46.3 189 jutta eming Chopped up, Grilled and Shrunken to the Size of a Hedgehog: The Bodies of Saints in Medieval Hagiography and in Thomas Mann’s Der Erwählte 146 gail finney Gerhart Hauptmann and the Woman Question: Female Victimization and Eclectic Style 95 laurent guido “Auf die Bühne gezaubert, dass man erstaunt”: cinéma, danse et music-hall au tournant du 20e siècle 205 kristen hylenski Ballet Bites: The Carnivalesque in Frank Wedekind’s Die Flöhe oder der Schmerzenstanz 351 jennifer kapczynski Still Motion: Dance and Stasis in the Weimar Operetta Film 293 john klapper Ante- and Postdiluvian Reflections of an “Inner Emigrant”: Stefan Andres’s Trilogy Die Sintflut (1949– 1959/2007) 26 eric klaus Allegorical Slumber: Somnambulism and Salvation in Gustav Meyrink’s Der Golem 131 thyra e. knapp Mediating Marginality: Ekphrasis and the Outsider in Christoph Geiser’s Das geheime Fieber 419 justice kraus Setting Dostoevsky Straight: Moral Murder and Critical Aesthetics in Robert Musil’s Der Mann ohne Eigenschaften 383 francisco larubia-prado Horses at the Frontier in Kleist’s Michael Kohlhaas 330 martina lüke Kampf der Geschlechter: Entfremdung und Lustmord in der expressionistischen Dichtung von El Hor/El Ha 112 annual index 438 timothy b. malchow “Nicht das eine und nicht das andere”: Hybridity, Gender, and (East) German Identity in Thomas Brussig’s Wie es leuchtet 161 mihaela petrescu Domesticating the Vamp: Jazz and the Dance Melodrama in Weimar Cinema 276 julian preece The Ethics of Empathy and the Correspondence Culture in Arthur Schnitzler’s Der Weg ins Freie 364 lucia ruprecht Ambivalent Agency: Gestural Performances of Hands in Weimar Dance and Film 255 elke segelcke Author Interview: Zafer Şenocak im Gespräch 71 maria stehle Two Generations in Motion: Negotiating the Legacies of the West German Student Movement 402 valerie weinstein Archiving the Ephemeral: Dance in Ethnographic Films from the Hamburg South Seas Expedition 1908–1910 223 allison whitney Etched with the Emulsion: Weimar Dance and Body Culture in German Expressionist Cinema 240 bethany wiggin The Geography of Fashionability: Drinking Coffee in Eighteenth-Century Leipzig 315 reviews Deane Blackler, Reading W. G. Sebald: Adventure and Disobedience (verena schowengerdt-kuzmany) 185 Irene Fußl, “Geschenke an Aufmerksame”: Hebräische Intertextualität und mystische Weltauffassung in der Lyrik Paul Celans (axel englund) 184 Karen Leeder, ed., “Flaschenpost”: German Poetry and the Long Twentieth Century (gerrit-jan berendse) 181 Constantin Rauer, Wahn und Wahrheit: Kants Auseinandersetzung mit dem Irrationalen (paul bishop) 180 ...

