- Reviewed Elsewhere
Contributing reviewers Nell Altizer, Patricia Angley, Alana Bell, Janet Butler, Judith Lütge Coullie, Michael Fassiotto, Lars Fischer, Douglas Hilt, Noel Kent, Gabriel Merle, Barbara Bennett Peterson, and Yvonne Ward provided the excerpts for this issue.
Publications reviewed include The Age (Melbourne), American Studies Quarterly, Australian Book Review, Austrian Studies, Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, Catholic Historical Review, Central European History, Common Knowledge, Comparative Drama, Cuban Studies, Early Medieval Europe, The Economist, English Historical Review, Film & History, French Studies, (Toronto) Globe and Mail, Histoire sociale/Social History, The Historian, International Journal of Middle East Studies, JEGP: Journal of English and Germanic Philology, Journal of the Early Republic, Journal of the History of Childhood and Youth, Journal of the History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Journal of the History of the Behavioral Sciences, Journal of the Society for American Music, Journal of World History, Le Monde des Livres, Music & Letters, The New Yorker, New York Review of Books (NYRB), New York Times Book Review (NYTBR), NINE: A Journal of Baseball History and Culture, Notes, Notes and Queries, Opera News, Pacific Historical Review, Presidential Studies Quarterly, Shofar, Slavery & Abolition, Slavonic and East European Review, Times Literary Supplement (TLS), Women's Review of Books, and Zeitschrift für Historische Forschung; and from South Africa, Artslink, Artsmart, Book Lounge Newsletter, Botanical Artists Association of Southern Africa, Brainwavez, Die Burger, Cape Argus, Cape Times, Country Life, Cricket365, Current Writing, Feminist Africa, Kalbaybooks, Mail and Guardian, NELM News, Politicsweb, Rapport, Research in African Literatures, Safundi, The Star, The Sunday Independent, Tonight, Weekend Post, and The Witness.
The Last Hero: A Life of Henry Aaron. Howard Bryant. New York: Pantheon, 2010. 600 pp. $29.95.
"At the end of this class stood Henry Aaron, his era's most consistently proficient hitter. When he retired, in 1976, after a 23-year big-league career, 'nearly a century of organized baseball had been played,' Howard Bryant writes in 'The Last Hero,' his illuminating and rigorously researched new book. In that time, only Ty Cobb 'had recorded more hits.'"
Sam Tanenhaus. NYTBR, May 23, 2010: 12. [End Page 573]
Muhammad Abduh. Mark Sedgwick. Oxford: Oneworld, 2010. 152 pp. £30.
"Muhammad 'Abduh is one of the central Muslim reformers of the nineteenth century, combining political activism with his intellectual involvement in the modernist reinterpretation of the Islamic tradition in the early Salafiyya movement. As with all biographies, his life and thought are full of tensions, breaks and contradictions which this book illustrates quite well. … This book provides an accessible and concise introduction to the life and work of Muhammad 'Abduh. It is useful in teaching on modern Islam at both undergraduate and post-graduate levels. Researchers in the field gain a swift introduction to 'Abduh that incorporates the breadth of scholarship of the last decades on this eminent nineteenth-century Muslim reformer. … Instead of references, further reading suggestions are provided for each chapter in addition to a fairly up-to-date bibliography."
Oliver Scharbrodt. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies 73.2 (2010): 320–21.
I Shall Not Hate: A Gaza Doctor's Journey. Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish. Toronto: Random House Canada, 2010. 195 pp. $32.00.
"The strength of this book—and there are many reasons why it is one of the most affecting I have read on the subject of Israel and Palestine—is its personal angle. It tells the story of a man who grew up and raised eight children in the most densely populated, and one of the most impoverished, parts of the world: Gaza. … This gripping memoir suggests the best solutions for peace are emerging from the grassroots; time and again, politicians on both sides of the wall have let us down."
Jonathan Garfinkel. Globe and Mail, May 15, 2010: F14.
A Gay Cuban Activist in Exile: Reinaldo Arenas. Rafael Ocasio. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 2007. 191 pp. $59.95.
"No Latin American gay writer has attracted the critical attention that Reinaldo Arenas has; indeed, no Latin American gay writer has come to enjoy something of a public reputation beyond the realm of Latin American cultural studies. … Ocasio details with...