In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index to Volume 52 / Index du volume 52 Academic Engagement of International Policing ReformAssistance : Putting Foucauldian Genealogy to Practical Use. Michael Kempa 271 Administering Police Cautions: A Descriptive Analysis of How Canadian Police Officers Administer the Right-to-Silence and Right-to-Legal-Counsel Cautions. Brent Snook, Joseph Eastwood , and Sarah MacDonald 545 Alvi, Shahid. See/voir Cesaroni, Carla Andresen, Martin A. Diurnal Movements and the Ambient Population: An Application to Municipal-Level Crime Rate Calculations 97 Bad Dates and Street Hassles: Violence in the Winnipeg Street Sex Trade. Elizabeth Comack and Maya Seshia 203 Baralt, Lori B. See/voir Fitzgerald, Amy Beaudoin, Isabelle et Étienne Blais. Constats d’infraction, accidents de la route et certitude relative de la peine : une évaluation quasi-expérimentale des effets contextuels et structurels de la dissuasion policière 471 Belknap, Joanne and Courtney McDonald. Judges’ Attitudes about and Experiences with Sentencing Circles in IntimatePartner Abuse Cases 369 6 2010 CJCCJ/RCCJP doi:10.3138/cjccj.52.2.565 Blais, Étienne. See/voir Beaudoin, Isabelle Blaming the Parts Instead of the Person: Understanding and Applying Neurobiological Factors Associated with Psychopathy. Lauren F. Freedman and Simon N. Verdun-Jones 29 Boivin, Rémi. See/voir Charest, Mathieu Boudreau, Marie-Eve et Marc Ouimet. L’impact de la couverture médiatique des violences sexuelles sur les taux d’agressions sexuelles au Québec entre 1974 et 2006 497 Bridging Divides in Canadian Criminology: Some Thoughts on a Possible Future. Laura Huey et Paul-Philippe Paré 237 Broeking, Julia. See/voir Peterson-Badali, Michele C. Mercer, Jamison. See/voir Snook, Brent Cesaroni, Carla and Shahid Alvi. Masculinity and Resistance in Adolescent Carceral Settings 303 Charest, Mathieu, Pierre Tremblay, Rémi Boivin et Maurizio D’Élia. La télésurveillance policière dans les lieux publics : l’apprentissage d’une technologie 449 Cohen, Irwin M. See/voir Corrado, Raymond R. Comack, Elizabeth and Maya Seshia. Bad Dates and Street Hassles: Violence in the Winnipeg Street Sex Trade 203 Constats d’infraction, accidents de la route et certitude relative de la peine : une évaluation quasi-expérimentale des effets contextuels et structurels de la dissuasion policière. Isabelle Beaudoin et Étienne Blais 471 Corrado, Raymond R., Karla Gronsdahl, David MacAlister, and Irwin M. Cohen. Youth Justice in Canada: Theoretical Perspectives of Youth Probation Officers 397 D’Élia, Maurizio. See/voir Charest, Mathieu 566 Revue canadienne de criminologie et de justice pénale octobre 2010 Diurnal Movements and the Ambient Population: An Application to Municipal-Level Crime Rate Calculations. Martin A. Andresen 97 Doob, Anthony N. See/voir Sprott, Jane B. Dupont, Benoı̂t. See/voir Scherrer, Amandine Eastwood, Joseph. See/voir Snook, Brent Eastwood, Joseph. See/voir Snook, Brent Fitzgerald, Amy and Lori B. Baralt. Media Constructions of Responsibility for the Production and Mitigation of Environmental Harms: The Case of Mercury-Contaminated Fish 341 Freedman, Lauren F. and Simon N. Verdun-Jones. Blaming the Parts Instead of the Person: Understanding and Applying Neurobiological Factors Associated with Psychopathy 29 Gendered Treatment: Girls and Treatment Orders in Bail Court. Jane B. Sprott and Anthony N. Doob 427 Greene, Carolyn, Jane B. Sprott, Natasha S. Madon, and Maria Jung. Punishing Processes in Youth Court: Procedural Justice, Court Atmosphere and Youths’ Views of the Legitimacy of the Justice System 527 Gronsdahl, Karla. See/voir Corrado, Raymond R. Guns, Gangs, and the Underclass: A Constructionist Analysis of Gun Violence in a Toronto High School. William O’Grady, Patrick F. Parnaby, and Justin Schikschneit 55 House, John C. See/voir Snook, Brent Huey, Laura et Paul-Philippe Paré. Bridging Divides in Canadian Criminology: Some Thoughts on a Possible Future 237 Huey, Laura et Paul-Philippe Paré. Réconcilier les divisions en criminologie canadienne : quelques idées pour le futur 243 Index to Volume 52 / Index du volume 52 567 Judges’ Attitudes about and Experiences with Sentencing Circles in Intimate-Partner Abuse Cases. Joanne Belknap and Courtney McDonald 369 Jung, Maria. See/voir Greene, Carolyn Kempa, Michael. Academic Engagement of International Policing Reform-Assistance: Putting Foucauldian Genealogy to Practical Use 271 L’impact de la couverture médiatique des violences sexuelles sur les taux d’agressions sexuelles...

