In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Books Received / Livres reçus - October/octobre 2010
Constructing Crime: Contemporary Processes of Criminalization. Janet Mosher and Joan Brockman (Editors). Vancouver, BC: UBC Press. 2010.
Le délinquant idéal : performance, discipline, solidarité. Pierre Tremblay. Montréal, QC : Éditions Liber. 2010.
The Dynamics of Desistance: Charting Pathways Through Change. Deirdre Healy. Portland, OR: Willan. 2010.
EMPRISES. Drogues, errance, prison : figures d'une expérience totale. (Collection Crimen). Fabrice Fernandez. Postface de Marcel Drulhe. Bruxelles, Belgique: Groupe De Boeck, Éditions Larcier. 2010.
Flashback: Drugs and Dealing in the Golden Age of the London Rave Scene. Jennifer R. Ward. Portland, OR: Willan. 2010.
Hate Crime: Concepts, Policy, Future Directions. Edited by Neil Chakraborti. Portland, OR: Willan. 2010.
How the Use of Marijuana Was Criminalized and Medicalized, 1906-2004: A Foucaultian History of Legislation in America. Jeffrey Matthew London. Foreword by Robert M. Regoli. Lewiston, NY: The Edwin Mellen Press. 2009.
Le manuel juridique de l'enquêteur. Gordon Scott Campbell. (Traduit de l'anglais par Renée Lebeuf, révisé par Louis Beaudoin.) Montréal, QC : Éditions Yvon Blais. 2010.
Offenders on Offending: Learning about Crime from Criminals. Edited by Wim Bernasco. Portland, OR: Willan. 2010. [End Page 563]
Offenders or Citizens? Readings in Rehabilitation. Edited by Philip Priestly and Maurice Vanstone. Portland, OR: Willan. 2010.
Principes de médecine légale (2e édition). Sous la coordination de Jean-Pierre Campana. Atlas iconographique en ligne réalisé par Paul Fornès. Rueil-Malmaison, France : Éditions Arnette, Wolters Kluwer. 2010.
Sentencing and Criminal Justice (Fifth Edition). Andrew Ashworth. New York, NY: Cambridge University Press. 2010.
Street Gangs Throughout the World (Second Edition). Herbert C. Covey. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas. 2010.
Transforming Behaviour: Prosocial Modelling in Practice (Second Edition). Sally Cherry. Portland, OR: Willan. 2010.
Transitions to Better Lives: Offender Readiness and Rehabilitation. Andrew Day, Sharon Casey, Tony Ward, Kevin Howells and James Vess. Portland, OR : Willan. 2010. [End Page 564]

