In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

40 BULLETIN OF FRIENDS' HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. George Fox, Non-Quaker Opinions ofHis Character and Work. 1924. Pp. 4. This is a valuable little pamphlet put out by The American Friends Literature Council. It contains opinions of Fox by Edward Everett Hale, William James, Charles H. Spurgeon, John Fiske, Thomas Carlyle, S. R. Gardiner, and G. M. Trevelyan. A life of Peter Collinson, F.R.S., F.S.A. (1693-1768), the Botanist of Peckham and Mill Hill who introduced so many plants into England and was a friend of John Bartram, Dr. Fothergill, Benjamin Franklin, Linnaeus and the leading Friends of Philadelphia, will shortly be published. It has been written from original sources by Norman G. Brett-James, M.A., B.Litt. Oxon., and can be obtained from the author at Ridgeway House, Mill Hill, London, N.W. 7, for sixteen shillings, post free. It will contain 300 pages, with portraits and illustrations, and will be uniform with the Life of Dr. Fothergill and the volumes on Quaker history by W. C. Braithwaite and Rufus M. Jones. ITEMS FROM PERIODICALS. The Friend (Phila.) is publishing "Selections from the Diary and Letters of Jesse Edgerton," beginning in the issue of 1 mo. 25, 1925. This Friend was for many years Superintendent of the Boarding School at Barnesville, Ohio. The Friend (Phila.), 9 mo. 25, 1924, contains an interesting account, by Alfred C. Garrett, of William Penn's visit to Frankfort-am-Main in 1677. It was after this visit, we learn, that Francis Daniel Pastorius, one of the Pietist group in Frankfort, came to this country and finally settled in Germantown. Friends' Intelligencer, 1 1 mo. 1, 1924, gives a brief account of the unveiling of a tablet at 502 South Front Street, Philadelphia, on the site of the dug-out where Pastorius first lived in Pennsylvania and where the drawing of the Germantown lots took place in 1683. The office of The Friend (Phila.) has recently been moved from Walnut Place to 304 Arch Street. The history of Walnut Place is told by Davis H. Forsythe in The Friend (Phila.), 10 mo. 30, 1924. Philadelphia Yearly Meeting (Arch Street) is preparing a new " Discipline." Parts of it were published serially by TL· Friend (Phila.), beginning with the issue of 12 mo. 25, 1924. This gave Friends an opportunity to read it before it was submitted to the Yearly Meeting of 1925. The Friend (Phila.), 10 mo. 30, 1924, and Friends' Intelligencer, 10 mo. 25, 1924, both contain accounts of the Philadelphia Fox Tercentenary held at Fourth and Arch Streets, 10 mo. 18, 1924. Rufus Jones' address on the Journal ITEMS FROM PERIODICALS.41 is published in TL· Friend (Phila.), 12 mo. 14, 1924, and also in Friends' Intelligencer, 1 mo. 24, 1925. The address by George Edwin Horr, of the Newton Theological Institution, on "The Present Day Message of George Fox," has been published in pamphlet form and may be obtained at The Friends' Book Store, 304 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Friends' Intelligencer, 10 mo. 11, 1924, gives an interesting list and brief accounts of Pageants recently given at various places,—Millville, Horsham, Byberry, and George School, Pennsylvania. TL· American Friend, 8 mo. 7, 1924, published an account by W. Rufus Kersey of the George Fox Tercentenary at Waynesville, Ohio. This was arranged by a joint committee from three yearly meetings. There were addresses by George A. Walton, Walter C. Woodward, and others. Walter C. Woodward's address, "George Fox in a Modern World," was published in TL· American Friend, 12 mo. 18, 1924. The George Fox Tercentenary was celebrated by Salem Quarterly Meeting at Lynn, Massachusetts, in 8 mo., 1924.—TL· American Friend, 9 mo. 18, 1924. The American Friend, 1 mo. 8, 1925, contains an interesting record concerning slave-holding among Friends of Dover, N. H., and an extract from the minutes of the Monthly Meeting which records the freeing of a slave by Thomas Hanson.___________ TL· American Friend, I mo. 22, 1925, and Friends' Intelligencer, 1 mo. 3, 1925, contain an account of the Fox Tercentenary celebration at Chicago. Two hundred Friends and others met at Hull House upon the invitation of Jane Addams. In the afternoon...

