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34 BULLETIN OF FRIENDS' HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION. BOOK NOTICES AND REVIEWS. Books of interest to Friends may usually be purchased at the following places: Friends' Book Store, 302 Arch Street, Philadelphia. Walter H. Jenkins, 140 N. 15 St., Philadelphia. Friends' Book and Tract Committee, 144 East 20th Street, New York City. Friends' Book and Supply House, Richmond, Indiana. Friends' Bookshop, 140, Bishopsgate, London, E. C. 2, England. When the price of an English book is given below in terms of American money, it means that one of the American book stores has quoted that price. Baynes, Hilton A. (editor). Intimate Letters of a Quaker Magistrate {John James Cooper). London: Swarthmore Press, Ltd. 1924. Pp. 138, board. $1.00. These charming letters are of the period 1913-1920. Covering the years of war, they show a Friend not wavering in his peace testimony nor becoming embittered by opposition. The genial friendliness and persistent optimism are apparent to the last letter written three days before his death. Brinton Genealogy, A History of William Brinton ... and His Descendants. Data collected by Gilbert Cope and edited by Janetta Wright Schoonover, Trenton, New Jersey. 1924. Pp. 800, cloth. $ 10.00 postpaid. Another Quaker genealogy makes its bow to che public. At least most of it seems to be Quaker, in spite of the coat of arms with its lion rampant. For Friends in America the thread of interest leads down from the emigrant William Brinton who came to Pennsylvania in 1684 to the present-day Director of Friends' Historical Association—and his worthy kinsfolk. Editors do not read genealogies from cover to cover. Probably nobody does. Yet a good genealogy is most valuable for reference, and an ever present help to the historian. This one seems to be good. The tireless collecting of Gilbert Cope again yields its increase. The editing also is well done. There are thirty illustrations, including a map of the old Brinton neighborhood in Birmingham, Penna., and vicinity. There is a beautiful portrait of Walter Carroll Brinton (1894-1918) who died in France while engaged in relief and reconstruction work under the American Friends' Service Committee. The editor of the volume gives credit to Ellen Starr Brinton, of Narberth, Pennsylvania, for "her steadfastness of purpose and competent leadership in bringing the publication of the Brinton Genealogy to completion." Brown, Alfred Kemp. Sacraments, A Quaker View. London: Friends' Bookshop. 1924. Pp. 35, paper. Sixpence. Now comes the Yorkshire 1905 Committee promoting the publication of another valuable treatise on a Friendly testimony. The need for a restatement BOOK NOTICES AND REVIEWS.35 of the Quaker viewpoint concerning sacraments, in the light of advancing scholarship and experience, is obvious to most minds. At least it will become plain to anyone that will read this compact, pertinent statement. It is largely historical. It deals with the history of the outward ordinances in the church; the emergence of the Quaker viewpoint; and the bearing of modern scholarship upon the problem. Most heartening to the reviewer were the quoted statements of various nonQuaker scholars. On the side of Biblical criticism the following lines are typical : There is a growing consensus among independent scholars that Jesus instituted no sacraments, yet Paul found the rudiments of them among the Christians and believed he had the warrant of Jesus for the heightening which he gave to them.—Dr. T. R. Glover: TL· Conflict of Religions, 1909, p. 158. The words "This do in remembrance of Me" may certainly be regarded as a later addition. ... If we set these words aside, there is nothing to suggest that our Lord had the intention of founding an institution or permanent rite of any kind.—The late Dr. Hastings Rashdall, Dean of Carlisle: TL· Idea of Atonement in Christian Theology. A conclusion from the Reverend Percy Dearmer, D.D., a clergyman of the Church of England, is based upon the objective evidence of life: The Quakers are a body whose history conclusively proves the possibility of living the Christian life without Sacraments, and of living a life astonishingly above the level of Christianity at large. . . . We cannot pass them over as a mere exception. It is an exception which we must face: it is like...

