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124 INDEX. Index to Volumes VII and Vili Allen, William G, A Quaker Diary in the Orient VII, 33 Alliterative NamesVII, 109 Almanacs, Items from, Allen C. ThomasVII, 58 American Revolution, An Incident ofVII, 108 America's View of the Sequel, Royal J. DavisVII, 104 An Admiral's Son, etc VIII, 113 Annual Monitor, 10,16 VII, 68 Annual Monitor, IQI7 VIII, 40 Archœology and the Bible, by George A. Barton, Ph.D., LL.D.VII, 71 Archdale, John, On the Parliamentary OathVII, 74 Arch Street Meeting House, Philadelphia, 1805 VII, 57, 58 Bacon, DavidVIII, 12 Bacon, Hannah Jones, Life at the Old HomeVII, 105 Baily, Joshua L. Address at Centennial Celebration of Twelfth Street Meeting House, Philadelphia , 1912VIII, 56 Barton, George A., Archœology and the BibleVII, 71 Barton, George A., Religions of the WorldVIII, 40 Becket, Mary, Concerning, Allen C. ThomasVIII, 13 Becket, Mary, " Disbursements on actt. of " VIII, 19 Benezet, Anthony, Samuel Hazard onVII, 100 Biles, JaneVIII, 75 Binns, Henry Bryan, November, Poems in War Time VIII, 82 Books of Interest to Friends (Reviews ),VII, 31, 68, 103 VIII, 37, 79, 113 Bownas, SamuelVIII, 73, 76 Bowne, Samuel and Mary, of Flushing and their Friends, Allen C. Thomas VII, 85 ; VIII, 13, 70 Bright, John, On the Crimean WarVII, 98 Brown, Gen. Jacob, Was He a "Fighting Quaker"? VIII, 109 Brown, Mary Willits, " Holland's Welfare," the John Warder School at Amsterdam VII, 2 Brown, Moses, and Rachel WilsonVIII , 30 Brown, Moses, Sketch of VIII, 31 Burlington Quarterly Meeting, 1732, Remonstrance from VII, 10 Canada, Proposed Settlement of Friends in 1790; also 1796 VIII, 100, 104 Cedar Creek Meeting House VIII, 117 Chalkley, Thomas VIII, 72, 73 " Charles Roberts Collection of Quakeriana," Sale of VIII, 87 Christian Church, History of, W. WalkerVIII, 115 "Christopher's Hollow" (Sandwich , Mass.), Asa S. Wing VIII, 68 INDEX. 125 Clarke, Herbert Edwin, A Scarcely Known Quaker Poet VII,108 Coffin, Charles F., 1823-1916 VII, 66 Coleman, Elihu, of Nantucket VIII,31 Concerning Prayer, Its Nature, etc., by the author of Pro Christo et Ecclesia, etc. VII,104 Conference of Men Friends, Richmond, Ind., Proceedings and AddressVII, 71 Creighton, Louise, Life and Letters of Thomas Hodgkin VIII,79 Crimean War, John Bright on VII, 98 Davis, Royal J. America's View of the SequelVII, 104 Dawson, JosiahVHI, 63 Deacon, J. Byron, Disasters and the American Red Cross, etc VIII, 82 " Dependent Brethren " VIII, 85 Dickinson, John, Extract from a Letter ofVII, 9 Dirkin, AlexanderVIII, 58 Disasters and the American Red Cross. J. Byron Deacon VIII, 82 " Discipline," Changes in Philadelphia Yearly Meeting, 1916 VII, 75 Ditzler, William U.VIII, 61 Donations of English Friends to American Sufferers, 1789-1790 VII, 79 " Drafted " Friend in 1863, A VII, 37 Dreamer of Dreams, Being a New and Intimate Telling of the Love Story of Will Penn the Quaker, by Oliver Huckel VII, 103 Drinker, John, Lines to Rachel WilsonVIII, 33 Elliott, JohnVIII, 11 Emlen, JamesVIII, 12 English Friends,Donations of, 1789-1790VH, 79 Evans, John, vs.Ellis Yarnall, and others, 1810 VII, 50 Fisher, Journal of Samuel RowlandVII , 107; VIII, 116 Fothergill, JohnVIII, 74 Foulke, Edward and Tacy. See Life at the Old Home VII, 105 Fox, George, on wages in seventeenth centuryVIII, 117 Friends beyond Seas, H. T. HodgkinVII, 69 Friends' Books, List of VIII, 119 Friends and Indians, Some. Ella K. BarnardVIII, 11 Friends and the Indians, 16551017 , R. W. Kelsey VIII, 81 Friends' Historical Society of Philadelphia, Annual Meetings VII, 39, 101 ; VIII, 77 Annual Excursion, 1916 VII, 62 Officers and Council, 1916-17 VII, 40; 1917-18,VII1 102; 1918-19, VIII, 78 Friends' Quarterly Examiner, IÇ18VIII, 114 Friends' Reconstruction Work in FranceVIII, 87 126 INDEX. Friends' Settlements in New York, 1792VIII, 118 in Canada, 1790, 1796 VIII, 100, 104 Fry, Elizabeth, the Angel of the Prisons, Laura E. Richards VII,103 Gay, Claude, Sketch of VII, 27 Gay, Claude, the Quaker, and Voltaire VII, 27 George, Thomas, Edwin, and JesseVIII, 63 Gilbert, Benjamin, Letter of 1796 VIII, 104 Gloucester, N. J., Notes on Old VIII, 115 Gordon, Lord Adam, Pennsylvania in 1765VII, 99 Graham, John William, William Penn, Founder of PennsylvaniaVIII , 37 Gravestones, Removal of, by...

