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34 BULLETIN OF FRIENDS' HISTORICAL SOCIETY. ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting for 1913 was held in Twelfth Street Meeting on the evening of 2 mo. 18. It was well attended. The committee which had been appointed to consider the establishment of a memorial to mark the birthplace of John Woolman, reported , that after careful consideration , and an examination of the supposed site that it did not seem desirable to take any further steps in the matter. The committee was discharged. It was suggested that a suitable memorial of John Woolman would be the publication verbatim et literatum of an edition of his Journal from the original manuscript which differs in some respects from the present printed copies. After some discussion , the proposition was approved by the Society, and the whole matter was referred to a special committee, with power to act, if in their judgment such a course was advisable. Samuel W. Pennypacker, president of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, by previous invitation , gave an exceedingly interesting address on " Some Precursors of George Fox." LIST OF OFFICERS AND COUNCILLORS, 1913President , Rayner W. Kelsey. Vice-Presidents, Isaac Sharpless, Amelia M. Gummere. Councillors to serve 1912 and 1913: Sarah E. P. Mickle, James Emlen, Lucy B. Roberts, Samuel N. Rhoads, Caroline N. Rhoads, Edward E. Wildman. Councillors to serve 1913 and 1914: Francis R. Taylor, D. Robert Yarnall, Henry Tatnall Brown, Caroline W. Smedley, Watson W. Dewees, Arthur H. Thomas. Secretary, Mary S. Allen. Treasurer, Mary S. Allen. ...

