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no BULLETIN OF FRIENDS' HISTORICAL SOCIETY BOOKS OF INTEREST TO FRIENDS ISSUED IN 1911. The year 1911 was marked by the publication of an unusually large number of works by or relating to Friends. Indeed it has been many years since so many works of this class have appeared. This fact certainly indicates an increased interest in matters relating to Friends. The Journal of George Fox. Edited from the Mss. By Norman Penney, F. S. A., with an Introduction by T. Edmund Harvey, Member of Parliament for West Leeds. Cambridge: at the University Press, 191 1. 2 vols., 8vo, pp. xliii, 470, 530. Two Portraits and Facsimiles. 21/. Philadelphia : The John C. Winston Co. $6.50. This is the long-looked-for verbatim et literatim reprint of the Journal of George Fox. The interesting and illuminating Notes of Norman Penney add very greatly to the value of the volumes, and it may be said are absolutely needful to a clear understanding of them. No one who has not worked in the same or in similar fields, can have any adequate idea of the amount of labor involved in the collection of material for such notes, and in the sifting of evidence. The judicious editing is everywhere apparent, and the editor is to be heartily congratulated upon the result. It would be difficult to find anywhere better work of this kind. So many notices of this edition have already appeared in other periodicals that it is sufficient to say that while the old spelling and punctuation may repel some casual readers, this edition is indispensable for the student of early Quakerism. Great praise is due the Cambridge University Press for undertaking the publishing, and for the excellent mechanical execution of the volumes. The Quakers in the American Colonies. By Professor Rufus M. Jones, M.A., D.Litt. Assisted by Isaac Sharpless, D.Sc, and Amelia M. Gummere . London: Macmillan Co., Ltd., 1911, 800 pp. 12/. New York: The Macmillan Co., $3.50. Next to the Journal of George Fox, noted above, this and the "Beginnings of Quakerism" (p. 114) are the most important works lately issued. A special notice appears elsewhere in this number of the Bulletin, so it is needful to say no more than that this volume will at once take its place as the standard work on the subject. Human Progress and the Inward Light. The Swarthmore Lecture, 1911. By Thomas Hodgkin. London: Headley Brothers, 1911. 1/, The Trial of our Faith, and other Essays, By Thomas Hodgkin, D.CL. London and New York: Macmillan & Co., 1911. 7/6. These two works by the Doyen of English historians, who is also a Friend, are marked by all the excellent qualities of their distinguished BOOKS OF INTEREST TO FRIENDS' ISSUED IN 1911. m author. The twelve essays and addresses, written during the past forty years or more, now gathered into a single volume, are well worth re-publication . The variety of subject, the breadth of view, and the wide knowledge revealed are worthy of admiration. The author, now in his eighty-first year, must surely regard with satisfaction his well-earned reputation as a scholar and historian. To a smaller circle the beauty and sympathy of his Christian faith as revealed in these essays gives to this réputation an additional charm. While all are pervaded by the spirit of Quakerism the pre-eminently Quaker essays are those on George Fox, and James Parnell. The words of a recent English review are so applicable that they are here quoted: "It is a book to read rather than to read about, and a reviewer can do no more than say he has found it in a high degree stimulating and interesting." The Personality of God, and other Essays in Constructive Christian Thought. By Edward Grubb. London: Headley Brothers, 1911. 2/. This small volume by the well-known editor of the British Friend, consists of papers originally appearing in that periodical. Doubtless many of our readers are already familiar with them. They are well worth reprinting. " Ueber den Ursprung des Quäkertums von Theodor Sippel." Printed in successive numbers of Die Christliche Welt, Marburg i.K., 1910. 33 PPThis monograph concerning the...

