In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

-105LETTER FROM THE EDITOR Readers of Ch'ing-shih wen-t'i should note that publication of the bulletin will be done hereafter at the Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford, California 94305. The Hoover Institution, however, takes no responsibility for the views and materials contained in the bulletin. There are sufficient articles, notes and other items for inclusion in Ch'ing-shih wen-t'i to justify publication each year, but the readership should be expanded by at least another fifty in order to be financially self-sufficient. Dues amounting to roughly S1,000 were collected for 1975 which means a readership, including libraries, of about two hundred. As printing and distribution costs alone ran around $1,500, there was a deficit of $500. Thanks to help from the China and Inner Asia Regional Council this deficit was eliminated, but such borrowing cannot continue into the future. The editor urges that all readers promptly pay their subscriptions for 1975 and encourage seme cf their colleagues to subscribe to the bulletin. The National Palace Museum has just completed the publication of the Secret Palace Memorials of the Kuang-hs'u Period (1875-1908). The series now contains twenty-six volumes of more than 24,000 Palace memorials arranged in chronological order, each with a table of contents. Volume 26 contains an index citing the names of individuals who submitted memorials. Each volume contains 1,000 sexto-decimo pages in hardback binding and costs $12.00. Individuals wishing to buy the twenty-six volume set will receive a 10 percent discount and pay $280 instead of $312. The mailing charges are $1.00 per volume if delivered in Asia and $1.50 per volume if delivered in Europe or North America. Interested subscribers can order directly from Publications Division National Palace Museum Wai-shuang-hsi , Shih-lin Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China ...

