In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Editor’s Note: Louis Round Wilson Prize for 2009
  • Reid Barbour

The Editorial Board of Studies in Philology voted at its annual meeting in May 2008 to establish an annual prize of $1000 for the best article published in the journal during the previous year. The prize was named in honor of Louis Round Wilson whose monograph Chaucer’s Relative Constructions, based upon his 1905 UNC doctoral dissertation, appeared as the first issue of Studies in Philology in 1906.

At the board meeting in May 2010 an editorial committee appointed by the Editor announced that the second of these annual awards would go to David Weil Baker of Rutgers University-Newark for his article “‘Dealt with at his owne weapon’: Anti-Antiquarianism in Milton’s Prelacy Tracts,” which appeared in the Spring 2009 issue of SP. In that article, Professor Baker demonstrates how Milton’s opposition to episcopacy incites him to criticize and reject the devotion to and uses of antiquity that characterize the apologetics of the Church of England in the 1640s and before. The article is richly detailed and powerfully argued.

We are pleased to have had the opportunity to publish David Weil Baker’s fine article, and we offer him our congratulations on being chosen for this award.

2009 David Weil Baker

2008 Mary Ann Lund [End Page i]


