In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Recent Chinese Historiography on the Western Affairs MovementYangwu yundong, ca. 1860-1895
  • Chen Jiang (bio)
Chen Jiang

Chen Jiang is Professor of History, Fudan University, Shanghai, China. Several of his publications are on the economic history of modern China.


1. Zhongguo kexueyuan jindaishi yanjiusuo et al. comp. Yangwu yungdong (The Western Affairs Movement), 8 vols. Shanghai: Renmin, 1961.

2. Zhang Xia et al. comp. Qingmo haijun shiliao (Historical Materials on the Navy of the Late Qing), 2 vols. Beijing: Haiyang, 1982.

3. Nie Baozhang comp. Zhongguo jindai hangyunshi ziliao (Materials on the History of Modern Chinese Navigation), vol. 1 in 2 parts. Shanghai: Renmin, 1984.

4. Chen Xulu et al., comp. Sheng Xuanhuai dangan ziliao xuanji A Compilation of Selected Materials from the Sheng Xuanhuai Archives). Shanghai: Renmin, 1979.

5. Mou Anshi . Yangwu yundong (The Western Affairs Movement). Shanghai: Renmin. 1956.

6. Zhang Guohui . Yangwu yundong yu Zhongguo jindai qiye (The Western Affairs Movement and Modern Chinese Enterprises). Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue, 1979.

7. Qi Qizhang . Beiyang jiandui (The Beiyang Fleet). Shandong: Renmin, 1981.

8. Fan Baichuan . Zhongguo lunchuan hangyunye de xingqi (The Rise of Steamship Navigation in China). Sichuan: Renmin, 1981.

9. Xia Dongyuan . Zheng Guanying zhuan (A Biography of Zheng Guanying). Shanghai: Huadong shifan daxue; Wang Jingyu , 1981. Tang Tingshu yanjiu (Studies on Tang Tingshu). Beijing: Zongguo shehui kexue; Dong Caishi , 1983. Zuo Zongtang pingzhuan(A Critical Biography of Zuo Zongtang). Beijing: Zhongguo shehui kexue; Zhu Andong. 1984. Zeng Guofan zhuan (A Biography of Zeng Guofan). Sichuan: Renmin; Yang Dongliang, , 1985. Zuo Zongtang pingzhuan (A Critical Biography of Zuo Zongtang). Hunan: Renmin, 1985.

10. Juan Fangji et al., comp. Yangwu yundong shi lunwenxuan (Selected Essays on the Western Affairs Movement). Beijing: Renmin, 1985.

11. See three articles by Jiang Duo in Wen hui' bao, Shanghai: December 28, 1961, January 12 and 21, 1962. Huang Yifeng and Jiang Duo, "Zhongguo yangwu yundong yu Riben mingzhi weixin zai jingji fazhanshang de bijiao" (A Comparison of Economic Development in the Western Affairs Movement of China and in the Meiji Restoration of Japan), Lishi yanjiu (Historical Research), 1 (1963).

12. Eight hundred and twenty-six essays on the subject were published between 1950 and 1985. The following figures show a fluctuating interest during the earlier years and definitely a greater interest in recent years: 61 essays were published between 1950 and 1960, an average of about six a year; 101 essays were published between 1961 and 1965, slightly over 20 a year; but during the Cultural Revolution from 1966 to 1976, only 55 essays appeared, no more than five a year. From 1977 to 1985, 609 essays were published at an annual average of nearly 68, 13.5 times as many as in the previous decade. The last six years have been especially productive: 571 essays were published, about 95 a year. These figures reflect the growing concern of Chinese historians with the subject.

13. Huang Yifeng and Jiang Duo. "Yao qiadangdi pingjia yangwu yundong de jiji zuoyong" (We Need a Fair Evaluation of the Positive Effects of the Western Affairs Movement). Lishi Yanjiu 6, 1980.

14. Qiao Huantian . "Buying ba yangwupai de waijiao huodong cong yangwu yundong zhong chouchuqu" (Diplomatic Activities Should Not Be Removed from the History of the Western Affairs Movement). Renmin ribao, Beijing, May 7, 1981.

15. Li Shiyue and Hu Bin "Lun yangwu yundong" (On the Western Affairs Movement). Renmin ribao. May 12, 1981.

16. Mou Anshi. Yangwu yundong, p. 22. Jin Chongji and Zhao Qin "Yangwu yundong daibiao le shenme fangxiang?" ? (What Tendency Was Represented by the Western Affairs Movement?). Wenhui bao, July 11, 1963.

17. Liu Xiaoguang . "Yangwu yundong bugai kending" (The Western Affairs Movement Should Not Be Praised). Liaoning shida xuebao (Journal of Liaoning Normal University), 6, 1980. Also see Guo Yuming . "Yangwu yundong de faduan yu Taiping Tianguo" (The Beginning of the Western Affairs Movement and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom). Shanghai shifan xueyuan xuebao (Journal of Shanghai Teachers College), 1, 1984. Li Jinkui 1984. "Yangwu yundong shi Zhongguo jindai lishi de fandong" (The Western Affairs Movement was a Reaction in Modern Chinese History). Qiusuo (The Search), 4, 1984.

18. Huang Yifeng and Jiang Duo. "Chongping yangwu yundong" 1.5' (A Reevaluation...

