In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

BOOKS RECEIVED Iulia F. Andrews. Painters and Politics in the People's Republic ofChina, 1949-1979. California, 1994. David E. Apter, Tony Saich. Revolutionary Discourse in Mao's Republic. Harvard, 1994. Richard M. Barnhart, et al. The Jade Studio: Masterpieces ofMingand Qing Painting and Calligraphyfrom the WongNan-p'ing Collection. Yale UniverityArt Gallery; Washington, 1994. Richard Baum. BuryingMao: Chinese Politics in theAge ofDengXiaoping. Princeton, 1994. Silvio A. Bedini. The Trail ofTime: Time Measurement with Incense in EastAsia. Cambridge, 1994. Kathryn Bernhardt, Philip C. C. Huang, eds. Civil Law in Qing and Republican China. Stanford, 1994. Maurice Brosseau, Lo Chi-kin, eds. China Review 1994. Chinese University, 1994. Barbara K. Bundy, Stephen D. Burns, KimberlyV. Weichel, eds. The Future ofthe Pacific Rim: Scenariosfor Regional Cooperation. Praeger, 1994. Li-Ii Ch'en, trans. Master Tung's Western Chamber Romance: A Chinese Chantefable. Columbia, 1994. Jian Chen. China's Road to the Korean War: The Making ofthe Sino-American Confrontation. Columbia, 1994. fie Chen, Peng Deng. China Since the Cultual Revolution: From Totalitarianism to Authoritarianism. Praeger, 1994. John Child. Management in China During theAge ofReform. Cambridge, 1994. Jiwei Ci. Dialectic ofthe Chinese Revolution: From Utopianism to Hedonism. Stanford, 1994. Arthur Cotterell. East Asia: From Chinese Predominance to the Rise of the Pacific Rim. Oxford, 1994. Raymond Dawson, trans. Sima Qian Historical Records. Oxford, 1994. Lincoln H. Day, Ma Xia, eds. Migration and Urbanization in China. M. E. Sharpe, 1994. John Dent-Young, Alex Dent-Young, trans. The Broken Seals: Part One of The Marshes ofMountLiang: A New Translation ofthe Shuihu Zhuan or WaterMargin ofShi ?a? an and Luo Guanzhong. Chinese University, 1994. X. L. Ding. The Decline ofCommunism in China: Legitimacy Crisis, 1977-1989. Cambridge, 1994. Cecil R. Dipchand, Zhang Yichun, Ma Mingjia The Chinese Financial System. Greenwood, 1994. Benjamin A. Elman, Alexander Woodside, eds. Education and Society in Late Imperial China, 1600-1900. California, 1994. Joshua A. Fogel. The Cultural Dimension ofSino-Japanese Relations: Essays on the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries. M. E. Sharpe, 1995. Edward Friedman, ed. The Politics of Democratization: Generalizing East Asian Experiences. Westview, 1994. Charles Wei-hsun Fu, Sandra A. Wawrytko, eds. Buddhist Behavioral Codes and the Modern World: An International Symposium. Greenwood, 1994. Robert Gardella. Harvesting Mountains: Fujian and the China Tea Trade, ¡757-1937. California, 1994. Eric Harwit. China's Automobile Industry: Policies, Problems, and Prospects. M. E. Sharpe, 1994. Michel Hockx. A SnowyMorning: Eight Chinese Poets on the Road to Modernity. Center of Non-Western Studies, Leiden, 1994. Germaine A. Hoston. The State, Identity, and the National Question in China andJapan. Princeton, 1994. Chun-chieh Huang, Erik Zürcher, eds. Norms and the State in China. E. J. BrUl, 1993. Ellen R. Judd. Gender and Power in Rural North China. Stanford, 1994. Kang Liu, Tang Xiaobing, eds. Politics, Ideology, and Literary Discourse in Modern China: Theoretical Interventions and Cultural Critique. Duke, 1993. Wazir Jahan Karim, Women and Culture: Between MalayAdat and Islam. Westview, 1992. Daniel Kelliher. Peasant Power in China: The Era ofRural Reform, 19791989 .YaIe, 1992. Adam T. Kessler. Empires Beyond the Great Wall: The Heritage ofGenghis Khan. Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 1994. Anne Behnke Kinney, trans. The Art of the Han Essay: WangFus Ch'ien-Fu Lun. Center for Asian Studies, Arizona State, 1990 Terry F. Kleeman. A God's Own Tale: The Book ofTransformations of Wenchang, the Divine Lord ofZitong. SUNY, 1994. 298 China Review International: Vol. 2, No. 1, Spring 1995 F. A. Kretschmer. An American Teacher in China: Coping With Cultures. Bergin and Garvey, 1994. Michael LaFargue. Tao and Method: A ReasonedApproach to the Tao Te Ching. SUNY, 1994. Malcolm Lamb. Directory ofOfficials and Organizations in China: A Quarter-Century Guide. M. E. Sharpe, 1994. Julie Landau, trans. Beyond Spring: Tz'u Poems ofthe SungDynasty. Columbia, 1994. Martin L. Lasater. U.S. Interests in the New Taiwan. Westview, 1993. Lee Chai-Jin. Zhou Enlai: The Early Years. Stanford, 1994. Lee Chin-Chuan, ed. China's Media, Media's China. Westview, 1994. Hessler Lee, compiler. Profile ofChina Markets: Complete MarketData on SpendingPatterns of1.1 Billion Consumers in China. Hercules Publishing House, 1994. Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz. Writings on China. Open Court, 1994. Frankie Fook-Lun Leung. Tance Xianggang Guodu...
