In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Both are internationally-known specialists in Spanish drama. All classes will be open to the pubHc through CaI State L.A. Summer Session. Students and non-students will be permitted to become involved in the productions as actors or assistants participating in the mounting of the plays. Complementing the theatre and the classes will be a series of lectures to be conducted by visiting Hispanists. "We intend to bring the Spanishspeaking residents of the Southwest face-to-face with some of the peoples and artistic traditions that form their proud cultural heritages," said Dr. Atlee. "Our plan is to make the Spanish Repertory Theatre an annual Summer cultural event, focusing each successive year on the dramatic traditions of Mexico and other Latin American countries ." AU plays and classes will be offered at CaI State L.A. between June 18 and July 27. The campus is located at the interchange of the San Bernardino and Long Beach freeways, adjoining the cities of Alhambra and Monterey Park. At the annual meeting (November 2) of the SAMLA (South Atlantic Modern Language Association) in Tallahassee, Florida, our friend and fellow-Comediante , Raymond R. MacCurdy, gave the principal address, entitled "The 'Problem ' of Spanish Golden Age Tragedy: a Review and Reconsideration." Congratulations , Tim! We should like to bring to the attention of Comediantes the article "Texas Sueltas: A Bibliographical Find" by Professor Mildred Boyer in The Library Chronicle, New Series, no. 4 (February, 1972), 45-47. She describes a collection of some 12,000 sueltas, the bulk of which is post-1833, but about 1200 belong to the earHer period and represent Golden Age dramatists. Professor Boyer gives the details of her forthcoming critical bibliography of these comedias sueltas, which can compare favorably with the collections of OberHn, North Carolina, Wayne State, Toronto, and the Real Academia Espa ñola. As Ye Ed., with this issue of the Bulletin of the Comediantes, ends his second three-year term, he would like to thank all of you for your kind reception of his work, your co-operation, and your forbearance during that "tight" period of reduced pages. He wishes to apologize for the rather shm bibHography this year, but things just haven't been the same around here since the death of Peter B. Bell, our star performer and bibliógrafo extraordinario. Finally, Ye Ed. offers his best wishes to his successor as Editor. An old Aragonese mountaineer once told Ye Ed. that if a man serves well, his pubHc will thank him; if not, they will thank Heaven ("Si un hombre sirve bien, el púbHco le dará las gracias a él; si no, se las dará al cielo"). Moral: two terms are enough. *¿39i HOMENAJE A WILLIAM L. FICHTER Homenaje a William L. Fichter; estudios sobre el teatro antiguo hispánico y otros ensayos. Editado por A. David Kossoff y José Amor y Vázquez. Madrid: Editorial Castalia, 1971. Pp. 863. Este tomo es tan enorme que hemos decidido poner aquí los artículos en vez de tenerlos esparcidos por toda la bibHografía. Amor y Vázquez, José. "Valle-Inclán 49 y las musas: Terpsícore." 11-31. Ashcom, B. B. "The Cruell, Craftie Crocodile." 33-46. Aubrun, Charles V. "Eco y Narciso." 47-58. Avalle-Arce, Juan Bautista. "Pedro Carbonero y Lope de Vega: Tradición y comedia." 59-70. Barclay, T. B. "Dos Maestros de danzar." 71-80. Bohigas, Pere. "Lo que hoy sabemos del antiguo teatro catalán." 81-95. Bradner, Leicester. "The Theme of privanza in Spanish and English Drama 1590-1625." 97-106. Carilla, Emilio. "Lope de Vega en América (Introducción)." 107-13. Carrasco Urgoiti, María Soledad. "El cerco de Santa Fe de Lope de Vega, ejemplo de comedia épica." 115-25. Casa, Frank P. "Crime and Responsibility in El medico de su honra." 127-37. Castañeda, Tames A. "La 'brava mina' de Moreto." 139-49. Cioranescu, Alexandre. "Tirso de Molina y Lope de Vega." 151-60. Clemente, Alice R. "Comedia sobre a divisa da cidade de Coimbra: fantasia caballeresca." 161-74. Dixon, Victor. "El auténtico Antonio Roca de Lope." 175-88. Dunn, Peter N. "'Materia la mujer, el hombre forma': Notes on...

