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Historical News Friends Historical Association THE ANNUAL MEETING of Friends Historical Association was held on Eleventh Month 26, 1951 at the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, 43rd Street and Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia. President Comfort reviewed the year's activities, then introduced Dr. George Rosengarten who briefly welcomed the Association to the Philadelphia College of Pharmacy and Science, and who in turn presented Dr. Ivor Griffith, President of the College. Dr. Griffith spoke of the part Friends had played in the establishment of the College, now a hundred and thirty years old. President Comfort then introduced Samuel Price Wetherill, Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the College, who addressed the Association on "The Free Quakers." * * * In his annual report President Comfort mentioned two forthcoming books, largely subsidized through the Association. Isabel Grubb's edition of My Irish Journal by William Penn is to be published this Spring by Longmans, Green, and Company at $3.00. Members of the Association may obtain copies from the Friends Book Store, 302 Arch Street, Philadelphia, at a reduced price of $2.40 by simply identifying themselves as members when they order. The second book mentioned by President Comfort was Lucretia Mott's 1840 diary, a joint publication with the Friends' Historical Society in England. See the announcement on the outside back cover. * * * The Editor regrets an error which appeared in the notes contributed by various hands to Hannah Clothier Hull's article on Percy Bigland's "Quaker Wedding" in the last issue of the Bulletin (p. 102). The grandson of Bevan Braithwaite, identified by the figure 7 in the "key" to the painting is George Gillett Whitney. 61 62Bulletin of Friends Historical Association Report of the Treasurer For the year Eleventh Month 16, 1950 to Eleventh Month 15, 1951 RECEIPTS Dues Received: Current ............................................$1656.00 Arrears ............................................ 137.00 Advance ............................................ 18.00 Life Memberships ............................ 100.00 ------------$1911.00 Bulletins ................................................................ 217.35 Interest on Investments ........................................ 198.32 Gifts: Regular .............................. 39.50 For Wm. Penn's Irish Journal ............................ 250.00 For Lucretia Mott's Diary 510.00 ------------ 799.50¦------------ 3126.17 Cash on hand Eleventh Month 15, 1950 ............ 2176.42 Total Receipts ........................................................ $5302.59 DISBURSEMENTS Annual Meeting, 1950 ............................................$ 145.00 Annual Meeting, 1951 .......................................... 8.00 Spring Meeting, 1951 ............................................ 13.75 Bulletins .................................................................. 1040.16 Editor's Fee for Bulletin ........................................ 300.00 Miscellaneous .......................................................... 238.44 Publication Fund—Editor's Fee for Index ........ 120.00 ------------ 1865.35 Cash on deposit with Girard TrustCorn Exchange Bank ............................ $3437.24 Appropriated as follows: For Publication Fund .................................... 240.00 Special Publication Fund ............................ 100.00 Wm. Penn's Irish Journal ............................ 850.00 Lucretia Mott's Diary .................................... 510.00 Current expenses .......................................... 1737.24 $3437.24 Respectfully submitted, William Mintzer Wills, Treasurer Examined and found correct: Edward R. Moon Edward Woolman ...

