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QuakerResearchinProgress Information concerning Quaker studies in progress but not published should be sent to Henry J. Cadbury, Chairman of the Committee on Historical Research, 774 Millbrook Lane, Haverford, Pennsylvania. Jean Alhinc, Faculté des Lettres et Sciences Humaines, l'Université de Besancon, Besancon, Doubs, France. L'Oeuvre Littéraire de John et William Bartram. The Sorbonne: American Literature, thesis for Doctorat es Lettres degree. Stephen P. Dicke, Plymouth Road, Gwynedd Valley, Pennsylvania. Quaker Reaction to Radical Abolition, 1800-1861. (Tends to emphasize influences within the Society other than theological and religious.) Princeton University: History, thesis for A, B, degree. 1964. Merton L. Dillon, History Department, Texas Technological College, Lubbock , Texas. Benjamin Lundy in the Antislavery Movement: A Biography. Betty Fladeland, History Department, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale , Illinois. British and American Co-operation in the Antislavery Movement . Louis A. Pappalardo, 18 Cornell Avenue, Yonkers, New York. The Society of Friends and Its Work with the Seneca Indians. (Deals largely with the work of Philip E. Thomas, a prominent Friend, who aided the Sénecas to retain parts of their lands and their culture, and to become a separate recognized nation.) St. John's University: History, thesis for M.A. degree. 1962. Fred B. Rogers, M.D., Temple University School of Medicine, Philadelphai 40, Pennsylvania. Dr. Shadrach Ricketson (1768-1839): A Pioneer in Preventive Medicine. Jean Spencer Straub, Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia 4, Pennsylvania. A Study of the William Penn Charter School. Ted L. Underwood, 2, Hadley Gardens, London W. 4, England. The Controversy between the Baptists and the Quakers in England, 1650-1689: A Theological Elucidation. London University (New College): Theology, thesis for Ph.D. degree. Fred Watson, 5 West Lawn, Ashbrooke, Sunderland, County Durham, England. The Backhouse Family of Darlington. (A history of the family at Darlington, Sunderland, and York from its early days in Lancashire in the 1690's to the present. Included are its activities in business, banking, horticulture , scholarship, missionary work in Australia, etc.) University of Durham: Faculty of Arts, thesis for M.A. degree. 1962. 45 ...

