In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

JfISTORICAL NEWS FRIENDS HISTORICAL ASSOCIATION The Annual Meeting of Friends Historical Association was held on Eleventh Month 27, 1961, at the Twelfth Street Meetinghouse in Philadelphia . President Howard Brinton announced with sorrow the recent passing of the Association's Curator, Katharine W. Elkinton. The following memorial minute was adopted: At this time, the Friends Historical Association records with sorrow the death of our dearly loved Friend Katharine W. Elkinton. Following Lydia Gummere as Curator, she assumed with enthusiasm the responsibility for various exhibits maintained by the Friends Historical Association , especially for those in the Fourth and Arch Street Meetinghouse. Katharine W. Elkinton brought to the Board meetings which she attended and to her work as Curator a liveliness of spirit and interest which will be deeply missed. The Treasurer's Report, read for the Treasurer by George Vaux, showed a balance for the fiscal year of $3,445.49. The five Directors whose terms expired with this meeting were re-elected, and Francis G. Brown was elected to fill out the term of Katharine W. Elkinton. The Membership Committee's report showed a total membership of 702. Thirty-one new members had joined the Association during the past year, but deaths and resignations had produced a net loss of eighteen members. After the President had made a brief report on recent Quaker historical publications and had referred to the continuing concern for the historical exhibits in the East Room of the Arch Street Meetinghouse, calling attention particularly to the axe-hewn beams visible on the second floor. The address of the evening, "Friends and the Underground Railroad" by Professor Larry Gara of Grove City College, is published in full in this issue. 45 46Quaker History With this issue our magazine commences its fifty-first volume. For the sake of brevity, accuracy, and — let's face it — novelty, it bears a new name: QUAKER HISTORY. Librarians should notice, however, that it is still the Bulletin of Friends Historical Association: the subtitle preserves the continuity. Volume 51 of QUAKER HISTORY: The Bulletin of Friends Historical Association should therefore stand on the shelves beside volume 50 of The Bulletin of Friends Historical Association. A few typographical changes have been made, chiefly on the front cover, but elsewhere as well. The purpose is simply to improve the appearance of the magazine without departing from Quaker simplicity. The Editor is extremely grateful to the distinguished typographer Richard Ellis, of Philadelphia, for his valuable advice and help. á&áfedfe "R"W *îr At a specially called meeting of the Board of Directors held on Eleventh Month 27, 196l, two changes were made in the Association's Bylaws. Annual dues were increased to $4.00 and nonpayment of dues for one year, rather than three, was made the condition for a member's being dropped from the rolls. Article IV of the Bylaws now reads: The annual dues shall be four dollars, and the payment of $75.00 by a member shall entitle such member to life membership. Membership shall cease upon written resignation, or upon due notice after the nonpayment of dues for one year." The subscription price to libraries for Quaker History was also raised to $4.00. ...

