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ARTICLES IN QUAKER PERIODICALS By Barbara L. Curtis TAe Friend A special insert giving a summary of the life and activities of die National Friends Peace Board under title "Sixty eventful years", is written by Arthur Booth, Secretary to the Board since 1957.—April 6, 1973, pp. 401-414. Ian Leech writes of the renaissance of an aged 1670 school building into a museum honoring William Cookworthy, a Quaker and die first promoter of the modem porcelain trade in Cornwall.—April 30, 1973, pp. 468-470. Friends Journal In Letter from the Past, Number 265, Henry J. Cadbury, under the name "Now and Then," writes of new issues of stamps from the British Virgin Islands with portraits of Penn, Lettsom, and Thornton on diem, and cancellations of Fox. —May 15, 1973, p. 295. Quaker Life "Four Days in October—a Tennessee Odyssey" by one of die editors and his wife gives an account of visits to four Friends United Meeting mission meetings in the T.V.A. area. The early history of these meetings and their general relationship to the Quaker world of die mid-twentieth century is described and concern expressed for their future. -—January, 1973, p. 16. "Plain Speech" by D. Elton Trueblood discusses what life was like for frontier Friends in Iowa in 1869. —June, 1973, p. 37. T. Noel Stern writes about Marcus Aurelius and William Penn, considering them both as philosopher-statesmen. —March, 1973, pp. 12, 13. Ormerod Greenwood reflects on British and German attitudes toward Quakerism in the distressing years of World War I and its aftermatii as he comments on the life and pacifist work of Dr. Elisabeth Rotten (1882-1964). —January, 1973, pp. 17-20. Quaker Monthly John Kay in "Approaches to Peace" examines in the light of history two contrasting ways in which Quakers have responded to the need for social change—revolutionary and evolutionary. He chooses George Fox as preeminent example of the former and William Penn of die latter. —February, 1973, pp. 41-44. In "The Richness of Many Jewels" Dorothy Webster tells of the rewards and problems to be found in the Society's relationships with other Christian groups in England, 1940-1973. —March, 1973, pp. 53-56. Ormerod Greenwood in "Letter from a Friend; Visiting with Mrs. Fry" gives yet another view of Elizabeth Fry on one of her notable visits on behalf of prison reform, this time to the Continent in 1839-40. —March, 1973, pp. 58-60. Greenwood again writes effectively of the past, this time about "The Last Dying Words of George Fox"—perhaps prophetically with sympathy for the sufferings of people in Ireland, endured by Friends and others. —May, 1973, pp. 98-100. 71 ...

