In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Index to Volume 63

Acton, John Dalberg, Lord, see Lang

ANDREWS, NAOMI J., on femininity in the romantic socialism of Pierre Leroux and the Abbé A.-L. Constant, 697-716

animal electricity, see Otis

Bakhtin Circle, see Brandist

Bayle, Pierre, see Lennon

Beck, Lewis White, see Guyer

Bentham, Jeremy, see Crimmins

BOYLE, MARJORIE O'ROURKE, on Marsilio Ficino and Plato, 41-62

BRANDIST, CRAIG, on the Bakhtin Circle, 521-37

BUICKEROOD, JAMES G., on Charles Mein and rationality, 639-58

Constant, Abbé A.-L., see Andrews

Cortés, Donoso, see Spektorowski

CRIMMINS, JAMES E., on Jeremy Bentham and Thomas Hobbes, 677-96

Darwinism, social, in Germany, see Weikart

ELUKIN, JONATHAN, on Maimonides and Mosaic laws, 619-37

ERLIN, MATT, on Moses Mendelssohn's philosophy of history, 83-104

father-son conflict in ancient Greek and Confucian philosophy, see Zhu

Ficino, Marsilio, see Boyle

Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina, see Hsueh

al-Ghazali, Abu Hamid Muhammad, see Halevi

GOODRUM, MATTHEW R., on the seventeenth-century British debate over human origins, 207-24

Greaves, John, see Shalev

Greek cultural origins, nineteenth-century German debates over, see Vick

GUYER, PAUL, review of Essays by Lewis White Beck, 539-45

HALEVI, LEOR, on natural philosophy and al-Ghazali, 19-39

HARGRAVES, NEIL, on character, narrative, and philosophy in William Robertson, 261-82

HARRISON, PETER, on original sin and the problem of knowledge in early modern Europe, 239-59

HENNINGER-VOSS, MARY J., on Niccolò Tartaglia and the mathematical study of artillery, 371-97

Hobbes, Thomas, see Crimmins; see Nauta

HSUEH, VICKI, on the Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina, 425-46

Huet, Pierre-Daniel, see Shelford

JURDJEVIC, MARK, on Niccolò Machiavelli, Francesco Valori, and Florentine history, 185-206

Kierkegaard, Soren, see Kjaeldgaard

KJAELDGAARD, LASSE HORNE, on Kierkegaard's Fear and Trembling, 303-21

LANG, TIMOTHY, on Lord Acton and "nationality," 129-49

LeBrun, Charles, see Schmitter

Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm von, see Perkins

LENNON, THOMAS M., on Pierre Bayle and Charles de Marguetel de St. Denis, sieur de Saint-Evremond, 225-37

Leroux, Pierre, see Andrews

LOMONACO, JEFFREY, on Adam Smith's "Letter to the Authors of the Edinburgh Review," 659-76

Luther, Martin, see Osborne

Machiavelli, Niccolò, see Jurdjevic

Maimonides, see Elukin

Maistre, Joseph de, see Spektorowski

Mein, Charles, see Buickerood [End Page 747]

Mendelssohn, Moses, see Erlin

NAUTA, LODI, on Thomas Hobbes on religion and the church, 577-98

Nietzsche, Friedrich, see Norman

NORMAN, JUDITH, on Friedrich Nietzsche and early romanticism, 501-19

Oakeshott, Michael, see Podoksik

original sin, see Harrison

origins of human beings, seventeenth-century British debate over, see Goodrum

OSBORNE, THOMAS, on Martin Luther and Nominalist doctrines about presence, 63-82

OTIS, LAURA, on organic and technological communication in the nineteenth century, 105-28

PACKHAM, CATHERINE, on Adam Smith's Wealth of Nations, 465-81

PERKINS, FRANKLIN, on Leibniz and Chinese morality, 447-64

Plato, see Boyle

PODOKSIK, EFRAIM, on Michael Oakeshott, 717-33

PORTER, CLIFFORD F., on Eric Voegelin and Nazi political extremism, 151-71

Robertson, William, see Hargraves

ROZEMA, DAVID, on Wittgenstein's Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, 345-63

Saint-Evremond, Charles de Marguetel de St. Denis, sieur de, see Lennon

SCHMITTER, AMY M., on power and French Academic painting, 399-424

SHALEV, ZUR, on John Greaves and early modern metrology, 555-75

SHELFORD, APRIL G., on Pierre-Daniel Huet's Demonstratio evangelica, 599-617

Smith, Adam, and the Wealth of Nations, see Packham; and the "Letter to the Authors of the Edinburgh Review," see Lomonaco

SPEKTOROWSKI, ALBERTO, on Joseph de Maistre, Donoso Cortés, and Catholic Authoritarianism, 283-302

Tartaglia, Niccolò, see Henninger-Voss

telegraphy, see Otis

Valori, Francesco, see Jurdjevic

VICK, BRIAN, on nineteenth-century German debates about the origins of ancient Greek culture, 483-500

Voegelin, Eric, see Porter

WEIKART, RICHARD, on social Darwinism in Germany, 1859-1920, 323-44

Wittgenstein, Ludwig, see Rozema

ZHU, RUI, on father-son conflict in ancient Greek and Confucian philosophy, 1-17 [End Page 748]


