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NOTES ON CONTRIBUTORS Charles Bellinger, a doctoral student in theology, philosophy ofreligion, and ethics at the University ofVirginia, was a visiting scholar at the Kierkegaard Library at St. Olaf College in 1993. His main area of specialization has been the anthropological and ethical thought ofKierkegaard. He has published three previous articles on Kierkegaard and one article on the abortion debate. Paul Duff is Associate Professor of Religion at The George Washington University (Washington, D.C), where he has taught since 1991 . He is the author ofarticles on the New Testament and Greco-Roman religion. He is currently at work on a book on the Revelation of John. Eric Gans is Professor ofFrench at the University ofCaliformia Los Angeles and the editor ofAnthropoetics: the Electronic Journal ofGenerative Anthropology. His latest book is Originary Thinking (Stanford, 1993); the sequel, Signs ofParadox, will also be published by Stanford. René Girard, as Andrew B. Hammond Professor of French Language, Literature and Civilization at Stanford University, and Professor of Religious Studies and of Comparative Literature until his recent retirement, has received numerous honors throughout the world. His work has inspired the publication of at least 36 books since 1991, which deal with the mimetic/scapegoat model from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Among his works in English are Deceit, Desire, and the Novel (1965), Violence and the Sacred (1977), Things Hidden Since the Foundation ofthe World (1987), The Scapegoat (1986), Job: The Victim ofHis People (1987), A Theater ofEnvy (1991). Joseph Hallman is Professor of Theology at the University of St. Thomas (St. Paul, Minn.), where he has taught since 1981. He has authored a variety of articles on early Christian theology as well as process thought. He has also written The Descent ofGod: Divine Suffering in History and Theology (Fortress Press). He is currently working on a book on divine suffering in the Christian tradition. Robert Hamerton-Kelly is a Senior Research Scholar in Ethics at the Center for International Security and Arms Control (CISAC) at Stanford University, and lecturer in International Relations, specializing in the ethics of military intervention and the use of military force. CISAC is a "think-tank" concerned with policy and theory in the field of international security. Hamerton-Kelly also contributes to its work in the area of ethnic and religious conflict, using mimetic theory to interpret politics. He was formerly Dean ofthe Chapel and Consulting Professor of Religious Studies (1972-86). He has applied mimetic theory to the interpretation of the New Testament. His most recent books in this field are Sacred Violence: Paul's Hermeneutic ofthe Cross (Fortress Press, 1992) and The Gospel and the Sacred: Poetics of Violence in Mark (Fortress Press, 1994). William A. Johnson is Professor of English at Michigan State University. He has published widely on modern literature and critical theory. The Ibsen essay is part of a 224Notes on Contributors completed book provisionally entitled "Mimetic Modernism." Currently, he is writing a book on Edward Said and the role of literary study. Leo D. Lefebure received his doctorate in Christian theology in 1987 at the University of Chicago, writing his dissertation on Toward a Contemporary Wisdom Christology: A Study ofKarl Rahner and Norman Pittenger. He has taught at Mundelein Seminary and currently is Professor of Systematic Theology and Dean ofthe Ecclesiastical Faculty of Theology at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake, Mundelein, IL. He has published two books on Buddhist-Christian dialogue: Life Transformed: Meditations on the Christian Scriptures in Light ofBuddhist Perspectives (ACTA, 1989) and The Buddha and the Christ: Explorations in Buddhist and Christian Dialogue (Orbis, 1993). He is network editor for Comparative Studies and Global Theology for Religious Studies Review. He is also a member of the Society ofBuddhist-Christian Studies and a member ofthe program committee for the 1996 Conference on "Socially Engaged Buddhism and Christianity" in Chicago. Paul Nuechterlein has been a parish pastor for ten years, since graduating from the Lutheran School of Theology at Chicago in 1984. Serving churches in Michigan and Wisconsin, he is currently pastor at Emmaus Lutheran Church in Racine, Wisconsin. His conviction that Girardian anthropology is of great importance in interpreting the Christian faith is one he hopes to continue...
