In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

the integrity and professional importance of the drama division, as well as the search for fair play and justice was rewarded with success. An apathetic attitude on the part of the membership could have proved disastrous. But fortunately, as a result of the involvement , the organization has been strengthened through the strength residing in its rank and file. The dedication to scholarly interests, truth, and enlightenment , along with the cohesion that was generated in this joint effort of the past year was well worth the year-long struggle, and it demonstrates that the Division can attain new and greater heights in its valuable service to the Association and to the profession. John Lihani Univ. of Kentucky MLA CONVENTION PROGRAM: SIXTEENTH AND SEVENTEENTH CENTURY SPANISH DRAMA December 29th, 11:00 a.m.-12:l5 p.m., Regent, Hilton. Program Chairman : A. JULIAN VALBUENA-BRIONES , Univ. of Delaware; Secretary: EDWARD NAGY, Rutgers Univ. I. Business. II. Papers and Discussion: 1. "Rojas Zorrilla's Feminism: A Review and Reconsideration," Raymond R. MacCurdy, Univ. of New Mexico. ( 18 min. ) 2."Reflections on Lope's Porfiar hasta morir," Alan S. Trueblood , Brown Univ. ( 18 min. ) 3."Las Ferias de Madrid: obra excepcional de Lope de Vega ," Alva V. Ebersole, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel HiU. (12 min.) 4."Observations on a Structural Technique in Aguilar's Comedias ," John G. Weiger, Univ. of Vermont. (12 min.) EL MENTIDERO DE COMEDIANTES The Executive Director of the Modern Language Association informs the 400 journal editors participating in the abstracts system that the MLA Executive Council has voted unanimously to discontinue the abstracts program after the volumes covering 1975 are published . The principal reason given is that of financial exigency. The Editor is most grateful to all those who have made it possible for the Bulletin to be extremely well represented in recent issues of the Abstracts , and he regrets that it will not be possible to publish summaries of articles appearing in the 1976 and subsequent volumes.«eoe This issue marks the beginning of a new section for the Bulletin. The "Forum" is offered as a further service to readers of these pages, who may use the space to propose research ventures, exchange information, respond to BCom articles or reviews if they feel ill-used, publish letters to the Editor, and so forth. Responses to reviews, notes, or articles should not exceed the length of the piece being called into question, and the writer who is challenged will be offered an opportunity to rebut in the same issue. The Forum will appear as 122 ...

