In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

MINUTES OF THE 1977 MEETING OF THE COMEDIANTES The Executive Committee of the Division on Sixteenth-andSeventeenthCentury Spanish Drama met in the Conrad Hilton at 7:00 p.m. on December 27, with Chairman Edward Nagy presiding. The others present were William M. Whitby (Secretary), Vern G. Williamsen, Frederick A. de Armas and Jack H. Parker (newly elected Delegate to the Assembly). A. Julián Valbuena had written to say that because of an unusually heavy schedule he would not be able to make the trip to Chicago. It was announced first of all that William R. Blue had been elected to the Executive Committee, to serve from 1978-1982. A nominee and three alternates were then chosen to stand for election to the Committee for the term beginning in 1979. William Whitby and Vern Williamsen were confirmed as Chairman and Secretary, respectively, for 1978. The following item was the question of whether or not a topic should be specified for papers to be read at the Division meeting in December of 1978. It was decided again to leave the choice of topic open. Papers from 8 to 10 pages in length (2,000 to 2,500 words) will be solicited. They are to be submitted in duplicate and must be in the hands of the Program Chairman (William M. Whitby, Purdue University) by April 15. The announcement was made in the Division meeting the following day and will appear (will have appeared by the time you read this) in the February 1978 MLA Newsletter and perhaps in the Spring 1978 Division Newsnotes. Various proposals and suggestions for research and publication projects were discussed. Then, Vern Williamsen reported on the status of the Tirso bibliography, now being reviewed by the University of Missouri Press. It is an evaluative bibliography covering the time span 1627-1975. The approximately 500 typed pages, with something like 1,000 discrete items, represent the cooperative effort and expertise of twelve annotators. The expectation is that we shall see it in print by early in 1979. Professor Williamsen also reported that beginning in 1978 Professor John J. Reynolds (St. John's University) will collaborate with him on the annual «Bibliography of Publications on the Comedia. » This means that the present number ofjournals covered (about 250) will be doubled. Matters related to the Bulletin of the Comediantes (the necessity for raising the subscription rates; Karl C. Gregg's resignation as Managing Editor and the appointment of José A. Madrigal to succeed him in the post) were to be taken up at the luncheon. Unfortunately, that event (called this year «the Comediantes' luncheon for the Division») was, though otherwise successful, even more rushed than had been anticipated, and there was no business meeting. We will try to do better the next time. 74 as forerunner of the comedia de capa y espada, but in comparison with Calamita the general public, like the critic for Ya, found that «como espectáculo aburre un tantico.» Leading actors in the company are Manuel Gallardo (Torres Naharro), Carlos Torrente (Himeneo and Floribundo), and Julia Trujillo (Febea and Libina). John Dowling The University of Georgia CENTRO DE ESTUDIOS DE LOS SIGLOS DE ORO El Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Modernas de la Universidad de Nebraska inaugura en 1977 su Centro de Estudios de los Siglos de Oro e invita la colaboración de colegas que comparten este interés. Los recursos actuales del centro son. además de una collección excelente de comedias, una inmensa bibliografía compilada por el profesor Richard W. Tyler. Esta abarca no sólo ediciones y estudios sobre la literatura de los siglos de oro, sino también información sobre ciertos temas (e.g. razón de estado, las acusaciones falsas, los humores, etc.) tópicos y frases. El enfoque de la bibliografía es principalmente, pero no exclusivamente, la comedia. El Centro tendrá gusto en proporcionar referencias y datos a la profesión e invita cualquier consulta. Invitamos a la vez que los investigadores de asuntos de los Siglos de Oro nos mantengan al día en cuanto a sus propios trabajos para que el Centro pueda ayudarlos a conocer a otros de intereses parecidos...

