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BIBLIOGRAPHY OF PUBLICATIONS ON THE COMEDIA (1990-1991) Compilers: SZILVIA E. SZMUK, St. John's University, New York DAVID J. BILLICK, University Microfilms International CORY A. REED, University of Texas at Austin DAVID H. DARST, Florida State University, Tallahassee OFELIA L. ALAYETO, University of San Francisco Contributors: JOHN J. REYNOLDS, St. John's University, Emeritus JESSICA A. HADLOW, Princeton University ANN L. MACKENZIE, University of Liverpool JOSE MARIA RUANO DE LA HAZA, University of Ottawa In the volume 3, number 2 (1951) issue of the Bulletin of the Comediantes, a short bibliography of some 77 items appeared under the title "A Current Bibliography of Foreign Publications Dealing with the Comedia" compiled by Jack H. Parker and Arnold G. Reichenberger. On this 40th anniversary of the bibliography (since 1973 expanded to include U.S. imprints), the nine hardworking compilers and contributors offer 777 items — proof that Hispanists have been fruitful and greatly multiplied their scholarly output. MISCELLANEOUS I (GENERAL) 1.Ackerlind, Sheila R. Patterns of Conflict: The Individual and Society in Spanish Literature to 1700 (42:2). Rev.: CD. Martinez. Hispania 73.4 (1990): 984-85. 2.Actas de la Academia de los Nocturnos. Vol. ?: Sesiones 17-32. Ed. J.L. Canet, E. Rodríguez, and J.L. Sirera. Valencia: Edicions Alfons el Magnànim, 1990. (Arxius i documents, 8.) [Members included Guillen de Castro and Rey de Artieda.] 293 294BCom, Vol. 43, No. 2 (Winter 1991) 3.Actas del IX Congreso de la Asociación Internacional de Hispanistas. Ed. S. Neumeister (42:5). Rev.: F. Meregalli. Rassegna Iberistica 36 (1990): 22-23. 4.The Age of the Catholic Monarchs, 1474-1516. Literary Studies in Memory of Keith Whinnom. Ed. A.D. Deyermond and I. Macpherson (41:106). Rev.: H. Merkl. Romanistisches Jahrbuch 41 (1990): 380-83. 5.Ambrosi, Paola. "I martiri di Madrid." Metamorfosi e il testo (see no. 223). 127-57. 6.Arenai, Electa, and Stacey Schlau. Untold Sisters: Hispanic Nuns in their Own Words. Trans. A. Powell. Albuquerque: Univ. of New Mexico Press, 1989. Rev.: A. Weber. Journal of Hispanic Philology 14.2 (1990): 190-93. 7.El bandolero y su imagen en el Siglo de Oro. Le bandit et son image au Siècle d'Or. Actas del coloquio internacional (Madrid, 1989). Madrid: Casa de Velazquez / Publications de la Sorbonne, 1991. (Travaux du Centre de Recherche sur l'Espagne des XVIe. et XVIIe. siècles, 6.) 8.Barceló Jiménez, Juan. Homenaje al profesor J.B.J. Murcia: Academia de Alfonso X el Sabio, 1990. Henceforth: Barceló Festschrift. 9.Barjau, Eustaquio. "Die spanische Literatur im Werk Lessings." Wolfenbütteler Beiträge 8 (1988): 233-43. [Includes theater.] 10.Bautista Morente, Carmen Matilde. "La bamba o columpio, objeto ritual." La fiesta, la ceremonia, el rito (see no. 49). 127-34. 11.Bennassar, Bartolomé, and Lucille Bennassar. Les Chrétiens d'Allah. L'histoire extraordinaire des renégats, XVIe-XVIIe siècles. Paris: Perrin, 1989. Rev.: C. Faliu-Lacourt. Criticón 49 (1990): 113-14. [For the Spanish translation of this volume, see 42:15.] 12.Berger, Philippe. "La dependence editoriale de l'Espagne: Le cas de Valence aux XVe et XVIe siècles." In Histoire du livre et de l'édition dans les pays ibériques: La dependence (42:63). 7-25. Bibliography295 13.Bibliographie der Hispanistik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Österreich und der deutschsprachigen Schweiz. 2 vols. I: 1978-1981; II: 1982-1986. Coord. T. Heydenreich; ed. C. Strosetzki. Frankfurt: Vervuert, 1988. Rev.: J. Lüdtke. Zeitschrift für Romanische Philologie 106 (1990): 699-701. 14.Blanco, José Joaquin. La literatura en la Nueva España. Conquista y nuevo mundo. México: Cal y Arena, 1989. Includes: "Crónica, lenguas, enseñanza, teatro," "Coloquios espirituales y sacramentales: Eslava," and "Juan Ruiz de Alarcón." 15.Bosch Cantallops, Margarita. Contribución al estudio de la imprenta en Valencia en el siglo XVI. 2 vols. Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1989. 16.Brooks, Lynn M. The Dances of the Processions (42.20). Rev.: [a] P. Coto. Incipit 9 (1989): 220-21; [b] G. McKendrick. Journal of Hispanic Philology 15.2 (1991): 164-65. 17.Brown, Jonathan. The Golden Age of Painting in Spain. New Haven: Yale Univ. Press, 1990. Rev.: P...

