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Appendix 1 Biblical References in The Broken Heart Indexed by Entry In this appendix, biblical sources are listed in the order they are used in each prayer. A verse used more than once in a prayer is listed every time it occurs. The abbreviations here follow those used by Henry Herbert in Herbert's Golden Harpe (GH), with a few exceptions (rioted below) for the sake of clarity. Short titles are not abbreviated (e.g., Acts, Mark, Luke). Books of the Bible not noted in Herbert's Golden Harpe are abbreviated according to modern convention. Cant.Canticles (Song of Solomon) Col.Colossians 1 Cor.1 Corinthians 2 Cor.2 Corinthians 1 Cro. 1 Chronicles 2 Cro. 2 Chronicles Dan. Daniel Deu.Deuteronomy Eccles.Ecclesiastes Eph.Ephesians Exo.Exodus Ezek.Ezekiel (Eze./Ez. in GH) Gal.Galatians Hab.Habbakuk Heb.Hebrews Hos.Hosea Jer.Jeremiah (1er. in GH) Jon.Jonah (Ion. in GH) Josh.Joshua (Iosh./Ios. in GH) Jud.Judges Isa.Isaiah Lam.Lamentations 54Appendix 1 Lev.Leviticus (Leu. in GH) 1 Mac.1 Maccabees 2 Mac.2 Maccabees Mal.Malachi Mat.Matthew Mie.Micah Mns.Prayer of Manasseh Neh.Nehemiah Numb.Numbers Obad.Obadiah 1 Pet.1 Peter (1. p. in GH) 2 Pet.2 Peter (2. p. in GH) Phil.Philippians Pro.Proverbs Ps.Psalms Rev.Revelation (reu. in GH) Rom.Romans 1 Sam.1 Samuel 2 Sam.2 Samuel Sir.Ecclesiasticus, or the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach 1 Th.1 Thessalonians 2 Th.2 Thessalonians 1 Tim.1 Timothy 2 Tim.2 Timothy Tit.Titus Tob.Tobit Wis.Wisdom Zach.Zechariah Zeph.Zephaniah Ps. 65:2, Ps. 2:4, Ps. 103:19, Ps. 147:5, Zeph. 3:12, Ps. 25:1, Job 7:20, Ps. 88:2, 1 Kings 8:28 (also 2 Cro. 6:19), Ps. 20:6, Mat. 15:22 (also Mark 10:4748, Luke 16:24, Luke 18:38-39), Ps. 41:4, Lam. 1:8 Ps. 73:25, Ps. 48:14, Ps. 139:5, Isa. 64:12, Lam.3:27, 1 Pet. 5:6, Rev. 3:19, Hag. 1:5, Isa. 30:18, Rev. 2:25, Heb. 10:23, Ps. 37:7, Jer. 29:11 Ps. 103:4, Ps. 145:14, 1 Sam. 2:6, Ps. 147:6, Ps. 145:20, Ps. 147:11, Heb. 12:6, Ezra 9:13 (also Job 11:6), Ezek. 22:14, Ba. 59:12, Ps. 35:4 APPENDIX 1 55 4 Isa. 33:2 (also Numb. 6:25), Ps. 40:11, Ps. 6:1, Ps. 44:23, Ps. 38:21, Hab. 3:2, Ps. 119: 58, Job 10:9, Isa. 64:8, Ps. 60:1, Ps. 106:29, Ps. 80:7, Jer. 14:7, Gen. 1:27, Eph. 4:30, Ps. 51:10, Ps. 119:58, Eph. 1:6 5 Job 10:1, Ps. 69:3, Isa. 38:4, Lam. 2:4, Ps. 6:6, Ps. 119:107, Ps. 141:1, Isa. 26:9, Ps. 52:9, Isa. 38:16, Ps. 116:16, Ps. 31:5, Lam. 1:20, Lam. 1:6, Ps. 118:28, Ps. 30:12, Ps. 138:8, Ps. 119:68, Ps. 118:17, Isa. 12:2 6 Ps. 139:1-4, Ps. 40:12, Job 9:3, Ps. 143:2, Ezek. 8:18, Job 42:6 7 Ps. 39:10, Ps. 38:2, Ps. 6:1 (also Ps. 38:1), Ps. 39: 13, Job. 10:20, Ps. 119:73, Job 10:9, Ps. 37:2, Ps. 103:15, Ps. 103:14, Job 10:9, Job 10:3 8 Isa. 38:18, Isa. 38:19, Ps. 6:1, Ps. 119:124, Ps. 143:2, Ezra 9:13, Ps. 55:23, Isa. 38:20, Isa. 38:17, Ps. 30:12, Isa. 38:20, Ps. 86:12 9 Ps. 36:9, Pro. 16:22, 2 Cor. 1:3, Ps. 10:12, Ps. 35:2, John 14:26, Ps. 51:12, Ps. 4:1, Neh. 9:31, Ps. 4:1, Ps. 71:23, Ps. 51:12, Ps. 119:28, 2 Cor. 12:9, Isa. 40:31 10Eccles. 12:1, Job 3:25, Ps. 49:5, Ps. 22:12, Mat. 12:42 (also Luke 11:31,32), Gen. 3:10, Job 7:20, Dan. 9...

