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pray god bless the Quen The Broken Heart: The *1621* *t. *¦'- «-t. *¦', *¦'. 5'- "i. "î. ·¦'» Ô, if my SouleHow ioyful were purgedwould my Soule, Cleane from sinne:Be then within? In the reign of James 1st. Can I thinke this God will euer forsake me? who gave me such confidence in his Mercie? I believe He is Faithful He is able . . . 1621 Figure 2. From The Broken Heart, MS Doncaster f. 26, fol. G. By permission of the Bodleian Library, University of Oxford. Collections (vpon consideration of mani- -fold sinnes, infirmities, faylings in Dutie, and backslidings) framed in forme of A Praier, with full confidence of pardon: To comfort in the euill daie, the tyme of sickness, & visitation; and to strengthen the soule against temptation, and feare of death, with a hopefull assurance, and a full confidence of resurrection to gloríe for euermore. To God my onlie Sauiour. my Soule doth here poure out her praier. Ö thou that hearest praier, unto thee do I now come: Thou ô my god, that sittest in the heavens, and rulest ouer all, whose power is great, and thine understandinge infinite; who art able to helpe, and will saue the poore afflicted man that trusteth in thee: vnto thee, vnto thee, ô thou preseruer of men, do I now lift vp my soule, vnto thee, do I now make my praier, vpon thee do I now call: incline thyne eare, and heare my crie: ô my god hearken vnto my praier. Behold me from thy holie heauen, have mercie on me, and heale my soule, for I haue grieuouslie sinned against thee my god. I haue none in heauen but thee, and there is none vpon earth I desire besides thee. Thou art my god for euer and euer, thou shalt be my guide even vnto death. And though now ô my god, thou laist thyne hand vpon me, and afflictest me sore, yet it is good for me, to beare the yoke in my youth and to humble my soule vnder thy mightie hand, that thou maist exalt me in due tyme. And hereby I know thou louest me, because thou dost correct, and chasten me, that I might consider my waies, and waite thy leasure vntill thou be gratious vnto me and haue mercie vpon my soule: yea it is good, that I hold me fast vnto thee my god, and waite patientlie for an expected end. Henry Herbert For t'is thou, ô my god, alone, that sauest from destruction: t'is thou only that vpholdest them that fall, and raisest vp those that be downe: t'is thou, ô my good god, only and alone, that killest, and makest alyue; that bringest downe to death, and bringest backe againe: that liftest vp the meeke, that preseruest those that loue thee, and hast pleasure in them that feare thee. And thou in mercie, ô lord, dost chasten thy children, and t'is for my sinnes, ô my god what I now suffer at thy hands; and my sinnes haue deserued more, then I am able to beare. For if thou, ô my god, in iustice wouldst deale with me, and multiplie thy punishments vpon me, as I haue increased my transgressions against thee, my god, I should vtterlie be confounded and brought to confusion euenin an instant. But ô my good god, forgett not to be gratious vnto me, shutt not vpp thy lovinge kindnes now in displeasure, ô lord: let not thy goodnes come vtterlie to an end, cast me not off for euer, ô my god. O my good god, forsake me not for euermore, but in thy wrath now remember mercie, be intreated, ô my god: remember, ô remember whereof I am made. Thou art my Father and I am the clay. I am the worke of thy handes and thou hast made me. O be not displeased with me continuallie, but turne thee againe vnto me. And though I haue prouoked thee daylie to anger even to thy face, and by my manifold disobediences, and often backslidings defaced thyne ymage in me, and grieued thy good Spirit: yet ô my god renuwe me againe, and restore vnto me thy comfort. Receaue me; ô my good god, receaue me into fauour againe, and accept me...

